[info/FT] Cross Breeders

By Retired breeder, 23rd January 2011 23:59:27
Here we go! A cross breed thread!

The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful.

Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales of your horses, or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

This is also *not* a chat topic...Please keep that in mind. If it turns into one, I will be forced to close it down.

Thanks everyone

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Good cross for French Trotter breed?
  • Posted messages: 568
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By Retired breeder, 21st August 2011 01:11:05

if you'r looking for a strong pony shetland would do although the welsh pony is bigger.default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 21st August 2011 01:16:52
French Trotter
Welsh ponydefault smiley (a)default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 29th August 2011 05:49:15
I need a Top GP Pure Hano Covering for my Akhle-Teke Mare Misty. I will pay top price. Or a Top GP Pure Friesian Covering for my Akhle-Teke Mare Misty. I will pay top price.
By Retired breeder, 29th August 2011 22:26:12
Nevermind I got some coverings. My latest foals links are http://ca.howrse.com/elevage/fiche/?id=147992
just copy and paste them into your browser. It's so sad that this topic has barely any recent postsdefault smiley :(.
By Retired breeder, 29th August 2011 22:33:03
I am breeding QH's and Welshes just because my horse in real life is a Qh/ Welsh!
Hey question...
if you breed paints to like an arabian. After some time will the arabian baby's coat turn like a paint coat? OR will that never happen?
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By Retired breeder, 30th August 2011 02:10:28
I'm trying a paint & quarter horses, myself.
By Retired breeder, 30th August 2011 06:59:45
@ leec77, That would make a pretty good Barrel Racer.
@uicornsparkle, It would not happen to an arab but if the foal had more paint breed than arab breed the foal would be a paint. Also if you used a DA(Diamond Apple)you could make the arab look somewhat like a paint. But sadly they're gone(I would have liked to try using a DA myself).
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By Retired breeder, 30th August 2011 23:10:14
It all comes down to the parents. Bad parents, bad foal. So I always keep close attention to the stars on the mare and stallion. I would suggest going to public covering offers. There you can breed you great mare to a great steed.

Click on a stallion in your budget. Then appears the "Breeding page". So, just stay on that Breeding page alittle longer. Look! Under the stallion's name, there are golden-green stars! Gasp! What's this all about? Take a look. Your mare has the same things. Double gasp! What are these? These are the stats that say how great the horses are. Look at them. What do you want to improve on your mare (hint, lowest stars number.) Look at the stallion's. Is it bigger? If so, great! If not, look for another stallion. So... if it is bigger, continue breeding.

Now, your mare is in gestation, your job isn't over yet. Go to information under breeding and click on the father's name. Then when you see him, give him an apple (come on, he deserves it!) Now go to his offspring. Now look for other crossbred horses he has produced. How are their stars? Good? Great.

The foals birthdate come around. Yippee! How's the foal? Is he/she good? Yes? If so, suggest the stallion and his owner to your friends, and tell them to look at your new addition to your stable!

Thank you for reading. I hope you have learned something. This is what I do on this game. I am a XBreeder. Please take my advice.
For more info, click my name, scroll to my presentation.
By Retired breeder, 30th August 2011 23:19:53
@ leec77, I wouldn't argue with your crossbreeding style, but you might want to read up on Paint horses. The magority of paint horses, and the look of them on the game, all, are already quarter horses. My suggestion? Quarter and Throughbreds. The quarter is VERY well known for it's fastness in quarter-mile races and great temperment, while throughbreds are great show jumpers, but they are known to have behavior problems. Your turn out should be a fast, high-jumping, friendly horse, a Morgan type horse (and yes, Morgans are accually crossbred horses!!! But with a different cross). Or you could do paint and throughbreds. Personally, I am doing Welshes and Paints.
Duxckynuck that would be a really good match. i'm trying all kinds of switches rigth now but i like your idea. that a cross i never diddefault smiley ;) should try soon
  • Posted messages: 1,846
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By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 00:38:57
I just wanna tell everyone that i do crossbreed (sometimes). I have some secrets to share to...

1. If your a cross breeder:
You should only crossbreed with horses that have coverings for 200e (saves you moneydefault smiley ;))

and last but not least:

2. If your a cross breeder:
You should only cross breed with horses that have high blup (really good benifits from thatdefault smiley (y)default smiley (y))

Hope this helps!!!! PM me if you have ANY questions about crossbreeding!!
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 02:15:59
I hope to start crossbreeding on this version as soon as I can access the direct sales. On the international version I bred Irish Hunter/Paint horses, so on this version I am thinking of doing Fresian/Paint crosses. default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 02:17:35
rainbowmagic2011- I don't completely agree with your first tip. If you want a good cross, sometimes you have to go for the best stallion for your mare, sometimes that may cost more.
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 13:51:35
would breeding arabians with tekes or quarters be a good idea?
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 14:06:00
lululo- If you were to cross a teke with an arabian, you would get an offspring with good stamina, speed and dressage judging by those horse's best skills, which would give you a boost in show jumping competitions. Quarter horses have basically the same best genetic skills as the tekes, so I personally don't see a use in that cross. But really, it is your own choice. When I cross, I want to get a horse that is better at one skill than it's breed so that when I enter him into competitions, he is a sure winner.
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 17:40:50
Yes, thats true so witch 2 do you recommend crossing?
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 18:29:29
Out of those two, I would have to recommend the teke arabian. And since Arabian's already have decent dressage and stamina, I would recommend making the offsping's breed Teke (breeding an arabian mare to a teke stallion). Teke's speed is minimal, so breeding this way will insure tons of wins in trotting,gallop and jumping competitions against pure bred tekes.

I hope this makes sense. I have a hard time trying to explain myself sometimes. :P
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 18:45:36
lululol - I prefer the QH/Teke myself. I've bred both crosses and it seems to be that because Quarter Horses have the same top 3 skills as Tekes it just strengthens what's already there. My QH/Teke mare (QH dominant) was a pretty good cross-country horse as the Teke made the QH stamina go up slightly and she beat up on all the purebreds default smiley xd I can't seem to get my Arab/Teke gelding to win anything. This could be breeder error and I'm doing something wrong though.
Sorry to jump in, just thought I might share my experience.
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 19:51:19
I have a question: When I BLUP this mare, would it be better to breed her to a Holsteiner or Shetland? I will probably try both but I want to know which you guys think will turn out better. I am trying to get her jump back up without breeding back to Hanoverian. Right now I'm leaning towards the Holsteiner.
Also, I was thinking of breeding her to this guy when I get him fully BLUPed. Just to see what would happen. What do you guys think?
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 22:28:30
I would breed your mare to a holsteiner but not your holsteiner because his speed is very low.

Do you think french trotters and friesians wouls be good? i think they would.
By Retired breeder, 31st August 2011 22:47:17
Ya, he's a Gypsy Vanner cross so that would be why he doesn't have very high speed.

I think that would be a good trot cross. I don't feel like looking at the breed info right now but it could make a decent comp horse, or even a good Trot horse for the Grand Prix. I would try it out and see what you get anyways.
How about tekes + Friesens? you think that might be a good cross?
  • Posted messages: 6
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