[info/FT] Cross Breeders

By Retired breeder, 23rd January 2011 23:59:27
Here we go! A cross breed thread!

The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful.

Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales of your horses, or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

This is also *not* a chat topic...Please keep that in mind. If it turns into one, I will be forced to close it down.

Thanks everyone

How to create a clickable link:
[url=link] words here about the horse you are linking [/*url]
Replace the word link with the link to the horse and remove the * at the end.
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I think you'll have to message some high-ranking teams for that. They usually will never sell colts above the available GP on the market, but some will give out coverings for crossbreeding (because it won't interfer with their ranking).
So maybe just message some one and tell them you'd like to crossbreed and what prices they'd offer you for a covering!
I hope this helps default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2020 16:13:10
^ most teams will give out crossbred covers for cheap
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2020 17:26:10
When breeding for a specific skill set or competition which is more effective?:
Breeding horses that have opposite strengths:
For example a Tennessee Walker and a Friesian for Dressage- the Walker being strong in trot and the Friesian being strong in dressage.
Or breeding horses that well-rounded, almost even skills:
For example the Kerry Bog and the Icelandic horse who both have decent stats for all three skills needed in Dressage comps.
I’m not sure if anyone will read this, but I am curious if there’s anyone who has a Fox Trotter Mare(Preferably pure or mixed if a select few breeds) to accept a breeding of my pure Paint horse. I’m willing to compensate for any loss of Equus from competitions.
Please PM me if you might be interested in working together. I’m wanting to create a great all around competition horse
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2020 03:01:06
Bumping to keep
What is a good hano cross? Looking for a range of comps hopefully
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Hey can anyone tell me what I should cross my quarter horses with? I'd really like a good cutting horse mix. Not quite sure how to make that happen tho.
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Criollos already have pretty much perfect cutting skills. Crossing them with Quarters would only reduce the cutting skills of the purebred.
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What is a good thing to cross paint horses with?
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That all depends on what you want the end results to be.
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By Retired breeder, 13th September 2021 03:28:33
I thought it would be fun to make weekly updates on my cross breeding project. my main goal is to create a horse with at least 4,000 in each skill, meaning I will cross will multiple breeds so far I am doing a Hanoverian x Thoroughbred cross. the mom is a 11,000 GP Hanoverian that has won rosettes in jumping, the dad if I remember correctly is a 12,000 GP thoroughbred with high skills.
By Retired breeder, 13th September 2021 03:54:58
here is my current foal. she will be BLUPed then crossed with a 13,000 GP thoroughbred, sadly I do not have any more tears so will have to wait a while....

thoroughbred filly
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By Retired breeder, 6th January 2022 19:00:02
Would crossing TBs and TWs be a good cross?

I think so yes. I have crossbred a few.

This one was with tears: Mare with Tears

Then I covered that mare with a TW and TB to get this results. Both without tears:

He will have 3567.6 for Galop, 3013.86 for speed and 3078.83 for dressage. Stamina and Jumping are both above 2000 skills. Only trot stay at 1747.93.

TW This is the TW.
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My newest colt just bred: https://ca.howrse.com/elevage/fiche/?id=3576507

2000 GP in every skill. I'm hoping to get a filly as well and from there start to get to the 3000 GP.
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Nice, keep up the awesome work
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By Retired breeder, 15th February 2022 18:54:27
What breeds would be best to crossbreed with a Newfoundland Pony? I am asking because I will have an upcoming objective that will ask me to have 4 and 7 different breeds. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 7th May 2022 00:36:27
What breed would be best to be crossed with a Canadian horse?
Depends on the results your looking for. There is no on true way when crossbreeding.
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