Horse related magazines and websites
By Retired breeder, 12th September 2016 20:31:45
I will read any horse related magazine I can get my hands on! I particularly like ones with riding tips and horse health care.
In terms of horse-related websites, mostly I visit the sites related to my stable or my show circuit. |
By Retired breeder, 21st September 2016 22:26:27
Young rider mag
By Retired breeder, 1st October 2016 13:19:14
^ AGREED! I absolutely love Young Rider
By Retired breeder, 5th October 2016 22:36:38
I read Canadian Thoroughbred, Woah!, Equine Wellness, and Young Rider.
By Retired breeder, 16th October 2016 15:44:36
I really like to read Horse Illustrated. Somtimes if I'm in need of new grooming supplies, I'll take a look in the Greenhawk catalog.
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2016 00:26:40
Maybe not to sure I like either of them
By Retired breeder, 9th November 2016 06:46:51
Horse Canada and Western Horseman
Canadian Thoroughbred
By Retired breeder, 10th December 2016 22:55:02
horse Canada!!!
Western horseman and Equus!
I also read a lot of articles on
By Retired breeder, 8th January 2017 23:52:01
I live in New Zealand, so I read magazines that most of you have probably never seen before!
Magazines: NZ Horse & Pony, ShowCircuit, and PONIES! Websites: (I am always looking for a new pony haha ), and |
By Retired breeder, 8th January 2017 23:59:48
But I like reading all types of horse magazines
By Retired breeder, 17th January 2017 16:15:24
paint horse i have a lot of them
Horse Sport and Horse Canada!
By Retired breeder, 16th February 2017 20:09:06
Pretty much any horse related magazine nearby for example a favorite is Sport Horse or Young Rider!
I normally am looking at websites related to the barn I ride with, websites for entering competitions or horses/ponies for sale because who doesn't love a pony! |
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2017 03:58:53
I look at the Greenhawk catalog. I subscribe to Equus magazine(lol not the howrse cash), and I also like Horse Canada! I'll read any horse magazine I can get my hands on! I sometimes read the Trot magazine, because I'm related to someone who does sulky racing, and they follow that stuff, and give me some of their magazines I read Canadian Thoroughbred whenever I'm at the library.
I read Young Rider, because it's at my school(we have a small bin with them, and I'll find a new one every so often)! I love it when magazines give you grooming tips, or health care stuff for your horse. I liked it when the magazine gave me a treat recipe for my horse! She loved them! But I lost the recipe, and it was a library magazine, so poor Phoenix(my horse) can't get more |
By Retired breeder, 27th February 2017 23:46:09
Young Rider is definitely my favourite but I also really like Horse Canada and the greenhawk catalog. Also, because I'm a Morgan person I also love The Morgan Horse, which is a giant magazine (like 400 pages sometimes) with horse show reports and ads from famous barns
ANYTHING it is horses so I am happy
By Retired breeder, 11th March 2017 20:58:15
Young rider is my fav.
By Retired breeder, 13th May 2017 04:00:04
I really like
By Retired breeder, 14th May 2017 03:57:52
If it's related to horses, ponies, or anything related, I am overjoyed!
By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2017 22:03:59
NZ Horse & Pony, PONIES!, Dressage Today, Young Rider, PONY.
Yes they are from all over the world! When I was in the UK once I logged onto PONY's website, and it was pretty good. Other websites: NZ Horse & Pony and Facebook :P and of course :-) |
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2017 23:02:25
and I like reading EQUUS from 2007-2008, I got given a whole load a few months ago, along with some Dressage Today from the same time.
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2017 23:04:43
I love it when magazines give you grooming tips, or health care stuff for your horse. I liked it when the magazine gave me a treat recipe for my horse! She loved them! But I lost the recipe, and it was a library magazine, so poor Phoenix(my horse) can't get more PONIES! magazine from New Zealand usually has yummy, quick, cheap and easy treat recipes! |
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2017 01:10:37
Any magazines horse I can get my hands on will do but I have lots of HORSE CANADA and YOUNG RIDER!!!