Horse related magazines and websites

Hello Everyone,

We're interested in getting some feedback from all of you and appreciate the time that you give to answer the questions below.

In your post, please tell us the following:

1. What horse-related magazines do you enjoy reading?

2. What are the horse-related websites you visit?

Remember all forum rules apply

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
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By Retired breeder, 12th September 2016 20:31:45
I will read any horse related magazine I can get my hands on! I particularly like ones with riding tips and horse health care.
In terms of horse-related websites, mostly I visit the sites related to my stable or my show circuit.
By Retired breeder, 21st September 2016 22:26:27
Young rider magdefault smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 1st October 2016 13:19:14
^ AGREED! I absolutely love Young Rider
By Retired breeder, 5th October 2016 22:36:38
I read Canadian Thoroughbred, Woah!, Equine Wellness, and Young Rider.
By Retired breeder, 16th October 2016 15:44:36
I really like to read Horse Illustrated. Somtimes if I'm in need of new grooming supplies, I'll take a look in the Greenhawk catalog.default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2016 00:26:40
Maybe not to sure I like either of them
By Retired breeder, 9th November 2016 06:46:51
Horse Canada and Western Horseman default smiley :)
Canadian Thoroughbred
  • Posted messages: 372
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By Retired breeder, 10th December 2016 22:55:02
horse Canada!!! default smiley :d
Western horseman and Equus!
I also read a lot of articles on
  • Posted messages: 6
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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2017 23:52:01
I live in New Zealand, so I read magazines that most of you have probably never seen before!
Magazines: NZ Horse & Pony, ShowCircuit, and PONIES!
Websites: (I am always looking for a new pony haha default smiley xd), and

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By Retired breeder, 8th January 2017 23:59:48
But I like reading all types of horse magazinesdefault smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 17th January 2017 16:15:24
paint horse i have a lot of them
Horse Sport and Horse Canada!
  • Posted messages: 216
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By Retired breeder, 16th February 2017 20:09:06
Pretty much any horse related magazine nearby for example a favorite is Sport Horse or Young Rider!
I normally am looking at websites related to the barn I ride with, websites for entering competitions or horses/ponies for sale because who doesn't love a pony!default smiley 8-)
By Retired breeder, 23rd February 2017 03:58:53
I look at the Greenhawk catalog. I subscribe to Equus magazine(lol not the howrse cash), and I also like Horse Canada! I'll read any horse magazine I can get my hands on! I sometimes read the Trot magazine, because I'm related to someone who does sulky racing, and they follow that stuff, and give me some of their magazinesdefault smiley :d I read Canadian Thoroughbred whenever I'm at the library.

I read Young Rider, because it's at my school(we have a small bin with them, and I'll find a new one every so often)!
I love it when magazines give you grooming tips, or health care stuff for your horse. I liked it when the magazine gave me a treat recipe for my horse! She loved them! But I lost the recipe, and it was a library magazine, so poor Phoenix(my horse) can't get moredefault smiley :(default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 27th February 2017 23:46:09
Young Rider is definitely my favourite but I also really like Horse Canada and the greenhawk catalog. Also, because I'm a Morgan person I also love The Morgan Horse, which is a giant magazine (like 400 pages sometimes) with horse show reports and ads from famous barns
ANYTHING it is horses so I am happy
  • Posted messages: 38
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By Retired breeder, 11th March 2017 20:58:15
Young rider is my fav.
default smiley (y)default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 13th May 2017 04:00:04
I really like
By Retired breeder, 14th May 2017 03:57:52
If it's related to horses, ponies, or anything related, I am overjoyed!default smiley :ddefault smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2017 22:03:59
NZ Horse & Pony, PONIES!, Dressage Today, Young Rider, PONY.
Yes they are from all over the world! When I was in the UK once I logged onto PONY's website, and it was pretty good. Other websites: NZ Horse & Pony and Facebook :P and of course :-)
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2017 23:02:25
and I like reading EQUUS from 2007-2008, I got given a whole load a few months ago, along with some Dressage Today from the same time.
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2017 23:04:43
Retired breeder wrote:

I love it when magazines give you grooming tips, or health care stuff for your horse. I liked it when the magazine gave me a treat recipe for my horse! She loved them! But I lost the recipe, and it was a library magazine, so poor Phoenix(my horse) can't get moredefault smiley :(default smiley xd

PONIES! magazine from New Zealand usually has yummy, quick, cheap and easy treat recipes!default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2017 01:10:37
Any magazines horse I can get my hands on will do but I have lots of HORSE CANADA and YOUNG RIDER!!!

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