Team Horses - Unbreedable

I realize why there is a GP lock but the problem I have playing mobile is I can't easily tell which horses are team horses.

Buying expensive horses I can't breed or sell is a bit disappointing, but I realize you can't easily tell a "legit sale" from a "stealing and selling horses" sale.

I propose Team Affixes have a specific color to them that identifies them as Team affixes that way in the sales it is very easy to see which horses are team horses.

Alternatively i think GP locking after selling shouldnt be possible, however maybe for teams wanting to bring on new players there could be a feature that adds "parental controls" or something so the leader of the team needs to approve sale of team horses for newer accounts.

Just some thoughts but I'm pretty upset that I bought some 19000 gp horses I can't do anything with.
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The mobile app/version has always been limited in it's functions, with many not available or only having partial function. It might be best for you to play on a browser (desktop version) on your mobile device as I do. On desktop browser version you have access to full game functions and can click the affix on any sale hore to see if it is a team horse and what the breedable limits are.

If you are hoping to get your suggestion to the game team then you'll need to submit it via contact us as the forums are almost always answered by other players who can't do anything about it.
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