Twilight is now in Heaven.
Species: Pony | Date of Birth: 27/02/2016 |
Breed: Newfoundland Pony | Age: 32 years 2 months |
Coat: Dapple Grey | Sire: ♂741.77 ✔ ❂ Helvegen ❂ |
Gender: female | Dam: Newfie 11/15 ❂ Sorstalan Sors ❂ |
Species: Pony | Date of Birth: 27/02/2016 |
Breed: Newfoundland Pony | Age: 32 years 2 months |
Coat: Dapple Grey | Sire: ♂741.77 ✔ ❂ Helvegen ❂ |
Gender: female | Dam: Newfie 11/15 ❂ Sorstalan Sors ❂ |