madeleinev's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1191 | +1 | Lacy | 255,176 | ||||
1192 | +1 | Applepear | 255,170 | ||||
1193 | +1 | chrissyh | 254,684 | ||||
1194 | +1 | hxneybee | 254,266 | ||||
1195 | +1 | Soji | 254,187 | ||||
1196 | +1 | Saucisse | 254,122 | ||||
1197 | +1 | Codemare | 253,644 | ||||
1198 | +1 | Rosewing135 | 253,468 | ||||
1199 | +1 | David Jordan | 252,154 | ||||
1200 | +1 | madeleinev | 251,948 | ||||
1201 | +1 | esotericDeviant | 251,836 | ||||
1202 | +1 | Alice.Alice | 251,539 | ||||
1203 | +1 | asia666 | 251,430 | ||||
1204 | +1 | Fireball | 251,096 | ||||
1205 | +1 | zlhorse | 251,081 | ||||
1206 | +1 | ayanami_ | 250,755 | ||||
1207 | +1 | Taktika | 250,585 | ||||
1208 | +1 | Wonder66 | 250,135 | ||||
1209 | +1 | canterwood2002 | 249,904 | ||||
1210 | +1 | Kirna | 249,634 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1457 | = | KenzieKai | 45 | ||||
1458 | = | Dressagegirl | 45 | ||||
1459 | = | caterpixies | 45 | ||||
1460 | = | Apple67 | 45 | ||||
1461 | = | Rage and Love | 45 | ||||
1462 | = | Betty | 45 | ||||
1463 | = | Mews | 45 | ||||
1464 | = | Julz Rulz | 45 | ||||
1465 | = | EmeraldIce11 | 45 | ||||
1466 | = | madeleinev | 45 | ||||
1467 | = | Orchidoleander | 45 | ||||
1468 | = | Maple Lattè | 45 | ||||
1469 | = | sofie123 | 45 | ||||
1470 | = | Spoon | 44 | ||||
1471 | = | goodness-gracious | 44 | ||||
1472 | = | HorsesLover24 | 44 | ||||
1473 | = | Asia1400 | 44 | ||||
1474 | = | drhouse | 44 | ||||
1475 | = | ShapeShifter | 44 | ||||
1476 | = | Wace | 44 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1589 | -1 | RandomBroadwayGirl | 307,439 | ||||
1590 | -1 | Altariana | 307,029 | ||||
1591 | -1 | Lavin Compae | 306,782 | ||||
1592 | -1 | Torababble | 305,589 | ||||
1593 | -1 | rawrxd96 | 304,144 | ||||
1594 | -1 | Atkins | 303,828 | ||||
1595 | -1 | xxtotalxxlawlessxx | 303,761 | ||||
1596 | -1 | nala000 | 303,605 | ||||
1597 | = | CorbinBlue | 303,091 | ||||
1598 | -2 | madeleinev | 302,988 | ||||
1599 | -1 | catherinelamb | 301,279 | ||||
1600 | -1 | triple_six666 | 300,666 | ||||
1601 | -1 | Nehelya | 300,263 | ||||
1602 | -1 | maddysdreams | 299,030 | ||||
1603 | -1 | m.h.lavender | 299,023 | ||||
1604 | = | jellybeans | 298,462 | ||||
1605 | -2 | CheeriosSuck | 298,246 | ||||
1606 | -1 | Shaya_stevens | 297,758 | ||||
1607 | -1 | Albinoid | 297,226 | ||||
1608 | +1 | Alicelulu | 295,558 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1533 | = | Torene | 152 | ||||
1534 | = | Alliecat | 151 | ||||
1535 | +3 | Fridayhorses | 151 | ||||
1536 | -1 | g.oakley97 | 150 | ||||
1537 | -1 | HailTheApocalypse | 150 | ||||
1538 | -1 | AyumiChiyoko2011 | 150 | ||||
1539 | = | esmerelda18 | 148 | ||||
1540 | = | Jellybean | 147 | ||||
1541 | = | piixiebaby | 147 | ||||
1542 | = | madeleinev | 147 | ||||
1543 | = | Dragon Lord | 147 | ||||
1544 | = | Aris | 147 | ||||
1545 | = | Kurenai | 146 | ||||
1546 | = | Glasdair | 146 | ||||
1547 | = | Brean95 | 145 | ||||
1548 | = | monster-a | 145 | ||||
1549 | = | schnoodle | 145 | ||||
1550 | = | Fireflies | 145 | ||||
1551 | = | Vivienne | 145 | ||||
1552 | = | Onyx Oceans | 145 |