TheBrokenn's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 1st December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1989 | -1 | buck38 | 94,534 | ||||
1990 | -1 | roseanne | 94,394 | ||||
1991 | -1 | ponytail144 | 94,390 | ||||
1992 | -1 | altarockies | 94,364 | ||||
1993 | -1 | -Secrets- | 93,933 | ||||
1994 | -1 | Wimsie | 93,903 | ||||
1995 | -1 | itsbreeagh | 93,495 | ||||
1996 | -1 | mrs t | 93,469 | ||||
1997 | -1 | jboots | 93,461 | ||||
1998 | -1 | TheBrokenn | 93,329 | ||||
1999 | -1 | Red Horse | 93,184 | ||||
2000 | -1 | azrarae | 93,011 | ||||
2001 | -1 | alex1996 | 92,716 | ||||
2002 | -1 | Bea. | 92,589 | ||||
2003 | -1 | Jennirl | 92,510 | ||||
2004 | -1 | a_chinese02 | 92,500 | ||||
2005 | -1 | Swiper | 92,227 | ||||
2006 | -1 | Katharsis | 91,953 | ||||
2007 | -1 | Lilbear67 | 91,601 | ||||
2008 | -1 | moomoomd | 91,464 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
2339 | = | fluffyboneyunicorn | 23 | ||||
2340 | = | Diamante | 23 | ||||
2341 | = | Skysthelimit47 | 23 | ||||
2342 | = | vulpes | 23 | ||||
2343 | = | dreamer | 23 | ||||
2344 | = | Zorro | 23 | ||||
2345 | = | Horselover 422 | 23 | ||||
2346 | = | cbronson11 | 23 | ||||
2347 | = | gemztone2 | 23 | ||||
2348 | = | TheBrokenn | 23 | ||||
2349 | = | dontjinxitt | 23 | ||||
2350 | = | emma654 | 23 | ||||
2351 | = | Spicy Ernie | 23 | ||||
2352 | = | midnights | 23 | ||||
2353 | = | Lleuad_13 | 23 | ||||
2354 | = | allybh12 | 22 | ||||
2355 | = | Mimzy | 22 | ||||
2356 | = | Kerry737 | 22 | ||||
2357 | = | itskbear | 22 | ||||
2358 | = | Eva Pandahill | 22 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1921 | -6 | Meow? | 150,034 | ||||
1922 | -6 | Azlynne165 | 150,033 | ||||
1923 | -5 | Dallas97 | 149,344 | ||||
1924 | -5 | Metastergo | 148,694 | ||||
1925 | -5 | Finibee | 148,070 | ||||
1926 | -5 | 8ctagon | 146,203 | ||||
1927 | -1 | Windmädchen | 146,049 | ||||
1928 | -6 | EmptyWorlds | 145,644 | ||||
1929 | -6 | BellaRose | 145,355 | ||||
1930 | -6 | TheBrokenn | 145,113 | ||||
1931 | -6 | Max2 | 144,761 | ||||
1932 | -4 | Sivvy | 144,072 | ||||
1933 | -4 | Rachel Rose | 143,467 | ||||
1934 | -4 | Tatianna912 | 143,131 | ||||
1935 | -4 | CharleeHorse | 143,064 | ||||
1936 | -3 | frozzt47 | 142,868 | ||||
1937 | -3 | Phoenix913 | 142,744 | ||||
1938 | -3 | Kamryn559 | 142,648 | ||||
1939 | -3 | madisonmmgreen | 141,984 | ||||
1940 | -3 | Moggy223 | 141,713 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1712 | = | jolenehunter | 109 | ||||
1713 | = | willowstar157 | 109 | ||||
1714 | = | coyote97 | 109 | ||||
1715 | = | Clover19 | 109 | ||||
1716 | = | Merxcenary | 109 | ||||
1717 | = | seiella345 | 109 | ||||
1718 | = | Windmädchen | 109 | ||||
1719 | = | Malice_theII | 109 | ||||
1720 | = | Jadelove | 108 | ||||
1721 | = | TheBrokenn | 108 | ||||
1722 | +2 | DarkBunny | 108 | ||||
1723 | -1 | Kanny | 107 | ||||
1724 | -1 | socara292 | 107 | ||||
1725 | = | aby mercier | 107 | ||||
1726 | +10 | Xenojiiva | 107 | ||||
1727 | -1 | A simple day | 106 | ||||
1728 | -1 | Megsterzoe | 106 | ||||
1729 | -1 | Balial_The_Malk | 106 | ||||
1730 | -1 | cindlebee | 106 | ||||
1731 | -1 | SkollTheMockery | 106 |