Maias's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1218 | -1 | Azlynne165 | 247,057 | ||||
1219 | -1 | jiggaliggs | 247,048 | ||||
1220 | +9 | Rugby | 246,903 | ||||
1221 | -2 | Wonder66 | 246,392 | ||||
1222 | -2 | Atkins | 246,329 | ||||
1223 | -2 | Silas | 246,320 | ||||
1224 | -2 | howrse2902 | 245,976 | ||||
1225 | -2 | Shallawallabe | 245,877 | ||||
1226 | -2 | NvrHer0 | 245,863 | ||||
1227 | -1 | Maias | 245,519 | ||||
1228 | -1 | Azure | 245,512 | ||||
1229 | -1 | star101 | 245,350 | ||||
1230 | = | Torababble | 245,135 | ||||
1231 | = | Hailey.Yaki | 244,986 | ||||
1232 | = | MiaW | 244,966 | ||||
1233 | = | KSDS | 244,938 | ||||
1234 | = | Lldsjel | 244,777 | ||||
1235 | = | ton amour | 244,311 | ||||
1236 | +8 | Marie101 | 244,232 | ||||
1237 | +8 | Finibee | 243,983 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1418 | -1 | AmnemonicFrog | 46 | ||||
1419 | -1 | EmilyLongluck | 46 | ||||
1420 | -1 | indiejones22 | 46 | ||||
1421 | -1 | placeholder | 46 | ||||
1422 | -1 | Emily Kirkland | 46 | ||||
1423 | +29 | Rider | 46 | ||||
1424 | -2 | Newbreed | 46 | ||||
1425 | -2 | Kaylie | 46 | ||||
1426 | -2 | SnowDevil7 | 46 | ||||
1427 | -2 | Maias | 46 | ||||
1428 | -2 | sohill | 46 | ||||
1429 | -1 | Ryo | 46 | ||||
1430 | -1 | CloudsShadow | 46 | ||||
1431 | -1 | salty dino | 46 | ||||
1432 | -1 | konstanke | 46 | ||||
1433 | -1 | Honeybee | 46 | ||||
1434 | -1 | buck38 | 46 | ||||
1435 | -1 | CanadianJumper1994 | 46 | ||||
1436 | -1 | Iluvwesterns | 45 | ||||
1437 | -1 | cavyfriend | 45 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
424 | +1 | Kakia | 3,852,316 | ||||
425 | +1 | Indra | 3,815,473 | ||||
426 | +1 | Nefarious | 3,769,489 | ||||
427 | +1 | Blatchford | 3,768,328 | ||||
428 | +1 | Monster2! | 3,741,882 | ||||
429 | +1 | Emily Kirkland | 3,739,342 | ||||
430 | +1 | ZombieOverLoad | 3,737,480 | ||||
431 | +1 | TheDivineBunny | 3,734,203 | ||||
432 | +1 | 0kay0kay | 3,724,144 | ||||
433 | +1 | Maias | 3,722,078 | ||||
434 | +1 | candyapplepie123 | 3,720,750 | ||||
435 | +1 | n9nelink | 3,696,989 | ||||
436 | +1 | Bellaswangirl | 3,680,858 | ||||
437 | +1 | Game of Howrse | 3,664,914 | ||||
438 | +1 | Jordan116 | 3,655,302 | ||||
439 | +1 | literally no | 3,653,078 | ||||
440 | +1 | VetTech | 3,643,074 | ||||
441 | +3 | N'importe | 3,633,493 | ||||
442 | = | princesshayaidol | 3,632,862 | ||||
443 | = | Aurora Borealis | 3,628,963 |
Player | Days | ||||||
347 | = | madison7d | 1,494 | ||||
348 | = | stillwaters | 1,493 | ||||
349 | = | Giveitup1234 | 1,493 | ||||
350 | = | Lola Mistwater | 1,493 | ||||
351 | = | Jada kiss | 1,488 | ||||
352 | = | Xena | 1,484 | ||||
353 | = | altarockies | 1,482 | ||||
354 | = | elikali | 1,482 | ||||
355 | = | stardancer7 | 1,480 | ||||
356 | = | Maias | 1,479 | ||||
357 | = | Marshie01 | 1,476 | ||||
358 | = | EMELIE | 1,473 | ||||
359 | = | chanrose | 1,472 | ||||
360 | = | Whale | 1,468 | ||||
361 | = | Damjia | 1,460 | ||||
362 | = | Dragon Tearz | 1,445 | ||||
363 | = | Reura | 1,443 | ||||
364 | = | odinsmommy | 1,433 | ||||
365 | = | Peregrine Paints | 1,432 | ||||
366 | = | Replica | 1,424 |