Faustis_34's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 18th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1329 | -1 | Bodombabe666 | 217,703 | ||||
1330 | = | YvonneHavinski | 217,670 | ||||
1331 | -2 | Horse | 217,434 | ||||
1332 | -1 | Dragon89 | 217,045 | ||||
1333 | -1 | Spruce | 217,016 | ||||
1334 | +2 | Rider | 216,913 | ||||
1335 | -2 | FragileSanity | 216,884 | ||||
1336 | -2 | aura | 216,827 | ||||
1337 | -2 | curlyhannah | 216,787 | ||||
1338 | -1 | Faustis_34 | 216,656 | ||||
1339 | -1 | Macayla Luft | 216,517 | ||||
1340 | -1 | Nicobrae | 216,498 | ||||
1341 | -1 | Dragon Fruit | 216,285 | ||||
1342 | -1 | CarpophobicCrow | 216,132 | ||||
1343 | -1 | andreaz | 215,559 | ||||
1344 | -1 | LykoiGirl97 | 214,826 | ||||
1345 | -1 | Terrance | 214,701 | ||||
1346 | -1 | тє∂∂у | 214,435 | ||||
1347 | -1 | Pharyn | 214,293 | ||||
1348 | -1 | jellybeans | 213,775 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1165 | = | hobbes1219 | 55 | ||||
1166 | = | Torrance | 54 | ||||
1167 | = | Wonder66 | 54 | ||||
1168 | = | trocharianna | 54 | ||||
1169 | = | islanzadi | 54 | ||||
1170 | = | snapshotoflife | 54 | ||||
1171 | = | creek13 | 54 | ||||
1172 | = | Xenojiiva | 54 | ||||
1173 | = | Fruits.and.Tubers | 54 | ||||
1174 | = | Faustis_34 | 54 | ||||
1175 | = | jemimah1 | 54 | ||||
1176 | = | Meagan | 54 | ||||
1177 | = | lolmegz | 54 | ||||
1178 | = | klb408 | 54 | ||||
1179 | = | reedsh | 54 | ||||
1180 | = | ahmed0you | 54 | ||||
1181 | = | Jacqueline D | 54 | ||||
1182 | = | RandomBroadwayGirl | 54 | ||||
1183 | = | AstrayWolfHerat | 54 | ||||
1184 | = | ChaosIsAwakening | 54 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1251 | = | Kari_21 | 608,652 | ||||
1252 | +3 | Will Graham | 606,065 | ||||
1253 | = | claryrad | 606,050 | ||||
1254 | = | GalaxyLynx | 605,903 | ||||
1255 | +1 | Crystallina | 605,548 | ||||
1256 | +1 | vedette3717 | 604,466 | ||||
1257 | +1 | Lauren Alexander | 603,789 | ||||
1258 | +1 | alyna2104 | 602,278 | ||||
1259 | +1 | Ayla3391 | 599,874 | ||||
1260 | +1 | Faustis_34 | 598,589 | ||||
1261 | +1 | yellowlily41 | 597,597 | ||||
1262 | +16 | Prometheus | 594,503 | ||||
1263 | = | pasdebasque | 592,670 | ||||
1264 | = | Petrichor | 590,897 | ||||
1265 | = | andreaz | 589,130 | ||||
1266 | = | River54 | 588,729 | ||||
1267 | = | HailTheApocalypse | 588,648 | ||||
1268 | = | Raven's Little Fox | 588,337 | ||||
1269 | = | CapesAndCowls | 586,937 | ||||
1270 | = | MitchMayHam | 586,035 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1447 | +1 | Solipsis | 174 | ||||
1448 | +1 | The Dead Sea | 174 | ||||
1449 | -2 | ImaSplashyHickory | 173 | ||||
1450 | = | cjwishart | 172 | ||||
1451 | = | asinden | 172 | ||||
1452 | = | thrasher | 172 | ||||
1453 | = | Kayla188 | 172 | ||||
1454 | = | Marie-10 | 172 | ||||
1455 | = | defying.gravity | 172 | ||||
1456 | = | Faustis_34 | 172 | ||||
1457 | = | Macayla | 172 | ||||
1458 | +2 | Torababble | 172 | ||||
1459 | -1 | Tea | 171 | ||||
1460 | -1 | black widow | 171 | ||||
1461 | = | n9nelink | 170 | ||||
1462 | = | pinkpopcorn22 | 170 | ||||
1463 | = | Boris | 170 | ||||
1464 | = | Gabbipentin | 170 | ||||
1465 | = | OctaviaBlakesWife | 170 | ||||
1466 | = | Leafeon | 170 |