Well hello there's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 3rd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2133 | -1 | Windfola | 68,017 | ||||
2134 | -1 | krisstinux | 68,014 | ||||
2135 | -1 | αкιяα | 67,694 | ||||
2136 | -1 | Lathyria | 67,542 | ||||
2137 | -1 | Guizmoute | 67,485 | ||||
2138 | -1 | KaleenalShaij | 67,203 | ||||
2139 | -1 | The Broken Ghost | 67,159 | ||||
2140 | -1 | candy99 | 67,142 | ||||
2141 | -1 | jocko123 | 67,071 | ||||
2142 | -1 | Well hello there | 67,045 | ||||
2143 | -1 | ariaud | 67,024 | ||||
2144 | -1 | iZerool | 66,777 | ||||
2145 | -1 | wisdomtoes | 66,628 | ||||
2146 | -1 | hellomoi | 66,535 | ||||
2147 | -1 | tinyfury669 | 66,391 | ||||
2148 | -1 | Justice Al'tary | 66,284 | ||||
2149 | -1 | kayroo2003 | 66,214 | ||||
2150 | -1 | softpawg | 66,198 | ||||
2151 | -1 | caffeinatedEQ | 65,897 | ||||
2152 | -1 | danika.l1996 | 65,781 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1558 | -2 | Brrlrcr00 | 42 | ||||
1559 | -2 | star | 42 | ||||
1560 | -2 | CanadaShay | 42 | ||||
1561 | -2 | 8ctagon | 42 | ||||
1562 | -2 | SkollTheMockery | 42 | ||||
1563 | -2 | Klyse | 42 | ||||
1564 | -2 | Karen Manthorne | 42 | ||||
1565 | -2 | kkeqeveter | 42 | ||||
1566 | -2 | sighhjess | 42 | ||||
1567 | -2 | Well hello there | 42 | ||||
1568 | -2 | shmarlo | 42 | ||||
1569 | -2 | peatoo | 42 | ||||
1570 | -2 | Yanik | 42 | ||||
1571 | -2 | Dras | 42 | ||||
1572 | -2 | Lilbear67 | 42 | ||||
1573 | -2 | calicokitty | 42 | ||||
1574 | -2 | Gemma | 42 | ||||
1575 | -2 | annalafleur | 42 | ||||
1576 | -2 | vedette3717 | 42 | ||||
1577 | -2 | Aralc349 | 42 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
2209 | = | Macayla Luft | 74,450 | ||||
2210 | -2 | T0M0 | 74,318 | ||||
2211 | +5 | teateatea | 74,291 | ||||
2212 | +55 | Oshunaria | 74,249 | ||||
2213 | -3 | Lefebvre | 73,732 | ||||
2214 | -3 | Azure | 73,699 | ||||
2215 | -3 | Fridayhorses | 73,602 | ||||
2216 | -3 | yoon. | 73,489 | ||||
2217 | -3 | katterstinka | 73,297 | ||||
2218 | -3 | Well hello there | 73,295 | ||||
2219 | -2 | Fox In Sox | 72,986 | ||||
2220 | -1 | Flyingfox | 72,951 | ||||
2221 | -1 | lichen | 72,923 | ||||
2222 | -1 | thrasher | 72,909 | ||||
2223 | -1 | Seven | 72,863 | ||||
2224 | -1 | neobaby01 | 72,797 | ||||
2225 | -1 | Ace19 | 72,725 | ||||
2226 | -1 | lono | 72,680 | ||||
2227 | -1 | Babyjet14 | 72,560 | ||||
2228 | -1 | bolt123456789 | 72,454 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1350 | +1 | livibeanz | 204 | ||||
1351 | +1 | Mishka | 204 | ||||
1352 | +1 | Lorde | 203 | ||||
1353 | +1 | HVTequestrian | 202 | ||||
1354 | +1 | Zeus1525 | 202 | ||||
1355 | +1 | Wyndfire | 202 | ||||
1356 | +6 | Rhiannon | 201 | ||||
1357 | +7 | PsychoGus | 201 | ||||
1358 | -1 | Red Horse | 200 | ||||
1359 | -1 | Well hello there | 200 | ||||
1360 | -1 | Kassina | 200 | ||||
1361 | -1 | JHuntz | 200 | ||||
1362 | -1 | Elizabeth123 | 200 | ||||
1363 | = | Heartland Acres | 200 | ||||
1364 | +1 | Spruce | 199 | ||||
1365 | +1 | Silver_Heart | 199 | ||||
1366 | +1 | Joys | 199 | ||||
1367 | +1 | sighhjess | 198 | ||||
1368 | +1 | mmarto | 198 | ||||
1369 | +1 | MischiefManaged | 197 |