Aysu's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 2nd December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
1153 | -4 | the.wind.rises | 270,800 | ||||
1154 | -4 | HYDEIST | 270,325 | ||||
1155 | -4 | Torene | 269,819 | ||||
1156 | -4 | 10246rocky | 269,072 | ||||
1157 | -4 | fysio24 | 268,860 | ||||
1158 | -4 | g.oakley97 | 268,230 | ||||
1159 | -4 | Birba | 268,229 | ||||
1160 | -4 | nudibranchorchard | 268,002 | ||||
1161 | -4 | Wace | 267,446 | ||||
1162 | -4 | Aysu | 266,991 | ||||
1163 | -3 | Mirabel57 | 266,183 | ||||
1164 | -3 | S.T.S_CM | 265,702 | ||||
1165 | -3 | Tatianna912 | 265,689 | ||||
1166 | -3 | Joella | 265,358 | ||||
1167 | -3 | Sophia_Meow | 265,136 | ||||
1168 | -3 | rylon | 265,091 | ||||
1169 | -3 | Aliyo | 264,764 | ||||
1170 | -3 | AFancyRule | 264,433 | ||||
1171 | -3 | fayxe | 263,936 | ||||
1172 | -3 | Ladyorgans | 263,879 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1495 | -1 | stegosaurus | 44 | ||||
1496 | -1 | Blue_eyes77 | 44 | ||||
1497 | = | Mirabel57 | 44 | ||||
1498 | = | Clouds | 44 | ||||
1499 | = | Windfola | 43 | ||||
1500 | = | czech_face | 43 | ||||
1501 | = | Briony | 43 | ||||
1502 | = | Sam30 | 43 | ||||
1503 | = | rocketboy | 43 | ||||
1504 | = | Aysu | 43 | ||||
1505 | = | Niko | 43 | ||||
1506 | = | cindlebee | 43 | ||||
1507 | = | MariaSakura | 43 | ||||
1508 | = | Rachel3187 | 43 | ||||
1509 | = | MyHowrseAccount | 43 | ||||
1510 | = | mtvs | 43 | ||||
1511 | = | Bea. | 43 | ||||
1512 | = | Macayla Luft | 43 | ||||
1513 | = | equestionable | 43 | ||||
1514 | = | howrsie | 43 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
901 | = | VictoriaRoma | 1,202,614 | ||||
902 | = | Slytherin | 1,196,567 | ||||
903 | = | Gemma | 1,192,719 | ||||
904 | = | Chipitz | 1,191,231 | ||||
905 | +1 | Solar99rare | 1,190,021 | ||||
906 | -1 | FillyofaKind | 1,189,817 | ||||
907 | = | Foxx | 1,187,496 | ||||
908 | +5 | ~Marshmallow~ | 1,185,896 | ||||
909 | -1 | TealYeen | 1,185,192 | ||||
910 | -1 | Aysu | 1,184,529 | ||||
911 | -1 | Jenna_Schellekens | 1,183,209 | ||||
912 | -1 | marie21 | 1,182,643 | ||||
913 | -1 | Budgie12 | 1,182,396 | ||||
914 | +4 | Jelicia | 1,180,036 | ||||
915 | = | Distant Shores EC | 1,179,488 | ||||
916 | +1 | Kenziej391 | 1,179,356 | ||||
917 | -3 | JohnSheppard | 1,178,717 | ||||
918 | -2 | spristar | 1,178,359 | ||||
919 | = | henslk1 | 1,176,086 | ||||
920 | = | Serendipity13 | 1,175,521 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1202 | -1 | IYahooo | 276 | ||||
1203 | = | placeholder | 275 | ||||
1204 | = | SweaterHug | 275 | ||||
1205 | = | Yanna | 275 | ||||
1206 | = | jemimah1 | 274 | ||||
1207 | = | Blue_eyes77 | 274 | ||||
1208 | = | SaveMeAStar | 273 | ||||
1209 | = | amelia301 | 273 | ||||
1210 | = | Game of Howrse | 273 | ||||
1211 | = | Aysu | 271 | ||||
1212 | = | SunnySometimes | 271 | ||||
1213 | = | mj2232 | 270 | ||||
1214 | = | jylard | 269 | ||||
1215 | = | catherinelamb | 269 | ||||
1216 | = | Wonder66 | 269 | ||||
1217 | = | Niela | 268 | ||||
1218 | +4 | ElisaAnnCatherine | 268 | ||||
1219 | +4 | Dollyprincess | 268 | ||||
1220 | -2 | madmoose | 268 | ||||
1221 | -2 | FallingRoses | 267 |