Wubbalubbadubdub's general ranking
The general ranking shows the top players based on recent performances. It changes a lot but is never unattainable!
It is updated once a day.
Last update on 4th December 2024.
General ranking
Player | Score | ||||||
2033 | +1 | Miquella | 86,316 | ||||
2034 | +1 | castor | 85,801 | ||||
2035 | -131 | EmmasEquines | 85,384 | ||||
2036 | = | Jadelove | 84,598 | ||||
2037 | = | emiiyakuma | 84,123 | ||||
2038 | = | EmptyWorlds | 83,993 | ||||
2039 | = | Strilly11 | 83,954 | ||||
2040 | = | FireCheetahBreyer | 83,660 | ||||
2041 | = | Sarahrose | 83,628 | ||||
2042 | = | Wubbalubbadubdub | 83,473 | ||||
2043 | = | Maxda | 83,420 | ||||
2044 | = | Canadian_cutters | 83,382 | ||||
2045 | -122 | lovesbooks | 83,197 | ||||
2046 | -1 | Vixika | 83,169 | ||||
2047 | -1 | Moxxie | 83,089 | ||||
2048 | -1 | madi | 82,692 | ||||
2049 | -1 | pasdebasque | 82,584 | ||||
2050 | -1 | lilyottb | 82,098 | ||||
2051 | -1 | river ranch rider | 82,040 | ||||
2052 | -1 | whitewlf927 | 81,969 |
Player | Trophies | ||||||
1995 | -3 | CanTour | 32 | ||||
1996 | -3 | neonleopard101 | 32 | ||||
1997 | -3 | a_chinese02 | 32 | ||||
1998 | -3 | cautiousculpeo | 32 | ||||
1999 | -3 | Distant Shores EC | 32 | ||||
2000 | -2 | BroSenDe | 32 | ||||
2001 | -2 | LostBoy | 32 | ||||
2002 | -2 | Equestria | 32 | ||||
2003 | -2 | Marie-10 | 32 | ||||
2004 | -2 | Wubbalubbadubdub | 32 | ||||
2005 | -2 | pasdebasque | 32 | ||||
2006 | -2 | Nyssa29 | 32 | ||||
2007 | -2 | _neala_ | 32 | ||||
2008 | -2 | mewnicorn | 32 | ||||
2009 | -2 | Frank Red Hot | 32 | ||||
2010 | -2 | MarwariHorses | 32 | ||||
2011 | -2 | Bambee101 | 32 | ||||
2012 | -2 | Hisoka. | 32 | ||||
2013 | -2 | Eolian | 32 | ||||
2014 | -2 | Athena Watt | 32 |
Player | Reserve | ||||||
1566 | -1 | goofygal123 | 329,538 | ||||
1567 | +55 | HJMagnus | 328,258 | ||||
1568 | -2 | Vassia | 327,994 | ||||
1569 | +2 | haffyfan | 326,271 | ||||
1570 | -3 | Taktika | 325,967 | ||||
1571 | -3 | hobbes1219 | 325,162 | ||||
1572 | -2 | marianneeep | 324,970 | ||||
1573 | = | XxstarsxX | 320,178 | ||||
1574 | -2 | Fleetfoot | 319,896 | ||||
1575 | -1 | Wubbalubbadubdub | 319,359 | ||||
1576 | -1 | Speedy | 317,372 | ||||
1577 | -1 | schleich32 | 316,901 | ||||
1578 | +187 | falconlight22 | 313,645 | ||||
1579 | -2 | Albus | 313,594 | ||||
1580 | -2 | Cjance67 | 312,999 | ||||
1581 | -2 | madi | 312,925 | ||||
1582 | +1 | RVTIseult | 311,241 | ||||
1583 | -3 | jasmine..t | 310,632 | ||||
1584 | -3 | jaimie109 | 310,375 | ||||
1585 | -1 | Willa | 310,251 |
Player | Days | ||||||
1463 | = | Gabbipentin | 170 | ||||
1464 | = | OctaviaBlakesWife | 170 | ||||
1465 | = | Leafeon | 170 | ||||
1466 | = | lurker55 | 170 | ||||
1467 | = | Lindaw | 170 | ||||
1468 | +1 | Theritsar | 170 | ||||
1469 | -1 | rocketboy | 169 | ||||
1470 | = | VioletSamms | 168 | ||||
1471 | = | hillza888 | 168 | ||||
1472 | = | Wubbalubbadubdub | 168 | ||||
1473 | = | k.marshall | 168 | ||||
1474 | = | CharleeHorse | 168 | ||||
1475 | = | yosef | 167 | ||||
1476 | = | Dark Orchid | 166 | ||||
1477 | = | Red-Cliff | 166 | ||||
1478 | = | Incalyscent | 165 | ||||
1479 | = | Howrse2020 | 165 | ||||
1480 | = | nimros | 165 | ||||
1481 | = | didier558 | 164 | ||||
1482 | = | snapshotoflife | 164 |