Daily Objectives: Tips & Tricks

Daily Objectives :

You can now complete two daily objectives each day! Some players can earn equus and others passes, depending on your seniority level.

Find your daily objectives on the homepage of the game, which is the page you see after logging into the game.

Completing the daily objectives seven days in a row will give a Horn of Plenty ! You can check on your progress through the gauge bar directly from the “Daily Objectives” page.

Within this thread players who need help, want to help, or just would like to share their progression with the daily objectives are welcome to post here.

All forum rules apply.

Warm Regards,

The Howrse Team
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
amandabee12 wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Please remember all forum rules apply here, you are not allowed to ask or advertise for items or horses.

Here are a few ways to receive a gift through Item Donations:

1. Send a gift to an active friend and hope that they see it and return the gesture.

2. If you have friends off-site who play, you can ask them and they will likely help.

3. Put a note on your presentation page and congratulate your friends. One of them may see your note and send you a gift.
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how does a horse have to be a non subquncial to remove a woy
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im not advertising , i'm sorry i wanted to know how old a horse has to be to complete the removal of a water of youth
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A horse must be at least 2 years old to have a water of youth applied. That being said then it must be at least 2 years old to have its woy removed.
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Hi All,

I am now on the daily objectives and my second objective for today is to retrieve a product from the workshop but it won't be done for another 12ish hours and two days respectfully. I'm assuming this means I will be taken back to day one? Is there a way to get the passes or say I completed it even though I can't and have no control over that?

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i have a daily objective to enter a comp using between 20-21% energy. problem is i dont seem to have any comps requiring that much energy except the grand prix which is 55% with the bonus i have :/ does this depend on the horse? I've tried my training ones and my ap farm and the highest % im seeing is like 17%
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By Retired breeder, 25th September 2022 18:13:31
Hey all! I'm on the objective that asks you to win 1 golden horseshoe. Does this mean I have to keep entering competitions until I win something that large? Or is this involving the grand prix?
Retired breeder wrote:

Hey all! I'm on the objective that asks you to win 1 golden horseshoe. Does this mean I have to keep entering competitions until I win something that large? Or is this involving the grand prix?

You'll earn Golden Horseshoes as you progress in Events.

Currently in the Autumnal Mine, you can win a Golden Horseshoe when collecting cups.
You'll win one Golden Horseshoe when you collect:
5 cups
20 cups
40 cups
and 60 cups

Details for how to win the golden horseshoes in events are on the last page of the help guide. Here is the Autumnal Mines help guide.
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You gain golden horseshoes in the promotions. In the current Autumnal Mine promo, you earn Golden Horseshoes by collecting 5, 20, 40, and 60 cups.
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Daily Objective Issue/Glitch(?)

I completed my 7-day daily objectives yesterday and now have a message stating that I must use my horn of plenty to get new objectives. The thing is if I click on the horn of plenty button it does absolutely nothing. So, I went to the black market and opened a horn of plenty thinking that would re-enable my daily objectives, but it has not.

Has anyone else been having this issue? How did you get your 7-day streak horn of plenty and get your daily objectives re-instated?
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Please for the love of all can we implement auto-achievements? I'm so tired of completing an objective after logging off (winning a competition, buying an auction horse, etc) and not being able to collect the passes/have to reset the 7 days.
  • Posted messages: 33
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How do we win rosettes for the daily? I've only ever seen normal trophies.
Jacqueline D
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Hi there, I need 4 more aging points to complete an objective; really hoping to wrap this one off tonight! Thanks default smiley ;)
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Hello, when i destroy a box do i keep my water trough?
  • Posted messages: 2
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i need to be congrats 2x! can anyone help!
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2023 22:18:15
hi yall! my objective of the day is to get congratulated twice; could someone help out with that? i'm happy to pay it back
I am trying to "win" a rosette. How do I do that?
  • Posted messages: 19
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A rosette is a ribbon that can be won when your horse comes in first place in a competition with prestige of 75% or higher. These competitions usually require a highly skilled horse to even see them.

You can see a list of competions that can offer rosettes by going to the achievements drop-down menu, going to the Best Equestrian Centers, and on that page hitting See the rankings for the best competitions button to see a list of every competition in the game and check out what horses are winning them.
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Question regarding the objective win a rosette. how is it fair for us to do this as there is rarely a rosette competition available.
  • Posted messages: 35
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Rosette comps are plentiful. Though, only highly skilled horses even see them and each horse can only win the rosette once though they can win the competition more than once. The rosette will only be awarded to the horse who wins the comps the first time they win that comp.
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I don't understand a goal to be able to open reserved sales. "Validate 4 special features" these goals I did not understand. Please help me I'm new here
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Validate 4 special features means to unlock the Equestrian Center(25 objectives done), Direct sales(50 objectives done), The Grand Prix(75 objectives done), and Reserved Sales(100 objectives done).

So basically just complete all your objectives to unlock the reserved sales. You can also if you want use passes to unlock the special features.
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What does Stroke another player's Xanthos mean I don't understand it and how do I do it
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Go to the directories, put in the name Xanthos and click the button for special horses only. Then go to a Xanthos and near the button where you can give the horse an apple will be a stroke button.
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