I am coming back little by little after a long time of being absent. *No PC* I am excited to see what has changed.

Now for a little bit about me. I am an adult horse player from Ontario. I have been playing for almost 4 years now.. Wow, how time flies. I own no horses in the real world, though I wish I could. I know one day that will happen for me but until then I live my horse dreams on here. :P

Don't be afraid to send me a message regarding anything. I am here to help in any way I can. 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png?1117650034

boobrrypiegrl TRAINING:

To train/BLUP without a chronos timer you will need to know what the top 3 skills are for your horse as the goal for non-CT blupping is to bold out only the top 3 skills.  

Remember: To get 100 blup you need '20' 1st place wins, the 3 best skills of your horse to be bolded, and for the horse to be at least 10 years old. 

Take a look at the genetics tab of your horse and look for the 3 highest numbers. Those will be the top skills for your horse.

Rookie comps : If you would like to enter Rookie (beginner/noob) comps then there's additional info you must keep in mind while Blupping.  These comps will have a small horse head in a circle next to the comp name.  

For your horse to qualify for rookie comps they need to have less than 20 wins and each skill must be below the current maximum skill allowed for rookie comps.  This maximum skill allowance changes regularly as the overall skills of all horses in game rise. 

To find out what the current skill limit is go to:  Game help > The Breeder's Manual > 3 - How to prepare your horse for competition > 3.3 - Competition  and then scroll to the bottom of the page to read up on Rookie comps and it will list the top skill allowance currently set.  

So while you are training you need to keep in mind to have the skills stay well below the max rookie skill limit to have room for the skill gains earned from doing the comps.


Every type of comp has 3 skills used. To have a better win rate do not train the primary skill but do train the other 2 skills, as the primary skill % is what sets the difficulty of the comp you run.

Competitions and the skills they use:


Cross-country - 45 % Stamina ,30 % Dressage ,20 % Jumping
Show Jumping - 45 % Jumping , 25 % Speed ,25 % Dressage
Galloping Races - 45 % Galloping, 30 % Speed, 20 % Dressage
Trotting race - 45 % Trotting, 30 % Speed, 20 % Dressage 
Dressage - 45% Dressage, 30% Trotting, 20% Galloping 


Barrel Race - 45 % Speed, 30 % Stamina, 20 % Galloping
Cutting - 45 % Stamina, 30 % Dressage , 20 % Speed
Trail Class - 45 % Dressage, 30 % Jump, 20 % Trot 
Reining - 45 % Gallop, 30 % Dressage, 20 % Stamina 
Western Pleasure - 45 % Trot, 30 % Stamina, 20 % Dressage 

Then there's a bit of luck and age taken into considerations as to how wins are based.(That last little 5%)

The biggest 'secret' to comp wins, knowing what the skills are for each comp and then NOT training the primary skill but training the 2 secondary skills. This is also a hint as to how you will want to train your horse depending on it's breed.

Most players end up thinking it's a jump comp so I must need to train jump.. but that's actually the worst thing to do as you increase the difficulty of the comps your horse will be allowed to enter.

These foal games are from one of our lovely mods ShadowJazz. I do not take credit for this. 69dfdf4e6a7c8489262f9d8b9958c9b3.png?1947483986

ShadowJazz's Foal Games
The first two foal games are with access to a shower. You can have either a fountain or a trough. Please use the correct foal game with the drink icon that you have.

8 months: 
groom / 8hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder if the horse or pony isn't too fat / 1hr play
10 months:
groom / 8.30hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder/ 1.30hr play
1 year: 
groom / 9hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / 1.30hr play
1 year 2 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder/ 2hr play
1 year 4 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / check to make sure you have gained all the skills from the foal games if you have access to magnify glass on the horses skills chart. If you haven't then do so now.

8 months: 
groom / 7.30hr play/ stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder/ 1.30hr play
10 months:
groom / 8hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 1.30hr play
1 year: 
groom / 9.30hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 1hr play
1 year 2 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 2hr play
1 year 4 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder/ check to make sure you have gained all the skills from the foal games if you have access to magnify glass on the horses skills chart. If you haven't then do so now.

ShadowJazz's Foal Games
These foal games are with out access to a shower.. You can have either a fountain or a trough. Please use the correct foal game with the drink icon that you have.

8 months: 
groom / 7hr play/ stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder if the horse or pony isn't too fat / 1hr play
10 months:
groom / 8hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 1hr play
1 year: 
groom / 8.30hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder/ 1hr play
1 year 2 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 1.30hr play
1 year 4 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (fountain), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 2hr play/ check to make sure you have gained all the skills from the foal games if you have access to magnify glass on the horses skills chart . If you haven't then do so now.

8 months: 
groom / 7hr play/ stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 1hr play
10 months:
groom / 7.30hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 1hr play
1 year: 
groom / 8.30hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder if your horse isn't too fat / 30 minute play or 1hr play
1 year 2 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / 1hr play
1 year 4 months: 
groom / 10hr play / stroke, drink (trough), carrot / Feed recommended amount of fodder / check to make sure you have gained all the skills from the foal games if you have access to magnify glass on the horses skills chart. If you haven't then do so now.
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