
About Moi

I am an adult player.  Now on here my goal is simple: Unicorns.  I want to breed them all, and considering I have probably over a 1000 of them I can safely say I think I achieved this lol

I do accept random friend requests so feel free to pm me :)

I am part of the Shadow Knight Fury, a purebred Friesian Team.  Honestly those ladies are some of my closest friends on here and I LOVE the team :D

If you're looking for a coat, ANY coat, for ANY breed, send me a message, I might have an extra or two :D  I do have a LOT of uni fails lol

I do offer public coverings with my unicorns males, but because I have so many of them I can't always stay on top of it.  If you're looking for a covering for your female, send me a PM with the name of your Unicorn in the Subject line, and tell me the breed and the male you want the covering from.(check my Unicorn Breeding Tab for available males) All my coverings done this way, I will only charge 500e.

I am part of MissCrocodile's filler project, if you need help filling feel free to let me know and I will throw my fillers in with your horses.  See MissCrocodile's page for full list of those in the programme.


I do NOT sell Golden Apple Coats, I buy them.  I do NOT sell foundation horses, I buy them.  I TRY to sell only horses with my Affixes.  I do NOT sell Team Horses.  I do NOT offer coverings with team horses.

I try to respond to all my messages, but i work horrible hours and I travel a lot.  If I do not respond to your message right away, I am sorry.  Send me a second message, even a third or fourth if you want :)  It's no bother, and I'll understand.  I have ADD so I sometimes read my messages, and get distracted before I respond and then utterly forget about it.  I do need reminding :D


I was breeding French Trotter Unicorns with apple1997419(I MISS YOU) and was extremely happy with our results....but my partner is no longer on Howrse :(  I now breed my FT unis with lozond, bigorangecat, BuergerERox2 and Hearts and Flowers.  I am extremely pleased with how well my team, Prophecycat's Trotters eh, is doing and how far we've come along from foundies(I still have them lol).  I am open to considerations to join my team BUT(and it's a BIG but lol) I will not accept anyone without speaking to my partners.  

I am now breeding all unicorns with BuergerERoxs2.  Feel free to ask either her or me for any info.  Hers have the #1 in front of their names and mine are the rest lol

I am also breeding Arabian Unicorns with Hearts and Flowers and sassymomma, same with Thoroughbreds and Lipizzans.  If questions about any of those breeds, contact either her or I or sassymomma.


On a side note, I'll buy any unwanted horse :)  Just reserve it for me nothing higher then 2500 Equus and next time I log I'll grab it.  Better offer then the Safe Haven eh?  Unless a peggy or uni, then I'll negotiate higher prices for those :)  I can be generous lol

I do negotiate on all my sales, I just don't advertise due to the ridiculous offers I've gotten in the past.  If you send me a ridiculous offer on my current sales, I will advised you that it is ridiculous and decline it.(I'll be nice about it lol)

Thank you emelie12345 for this awesome layout :)

Made By: mike200