Previously Ihaveacat777 but it's been a couple years! I originally started playing back in 2015 when I was 13, but quit the game a few years ago. I actually have two cats and a dog now :)

Special thanks to my mom, sassymomma, for holding on to so many of my old horses with sentimental value!

Sometimes I autocomp, so if I accidentally end up in the same comps as your BLUP please send me a message and I'll try to help with fillers!

I still have a huge soft spot for Criollos and Friesians (I definitely miss my old teams) and right now my main focus is Criollos to bring a line descended from my starter horse up to Grand Prix level.

I don't plan to be super competitive, just to have fun and work on improving a couple of horse breeds. If anyone is interested in working together on shires/donkeys/belgian ponies/or german saddle horses I'd be interested, although I'm just casually breeding them right now.

Some things about me are that I love animals, and I game a lot, currently playing Baldur's Gate 3 while I wait for the new Mass Effect and Dragon Age games to release! I work six days a week so I'm not playing super serious/competitive but I'm still hoping to make some progress building up a couple of horse breeds/testing out cross-bred skillers.

Current projects:

-Reviving the Friesian Fury team because I still think they're gorgeous horses
-Working on the Cutting Class criollo team to see how far we can go
-Reviving my old Trailblazers marwari team affix because I'm still in love with the ears, but as a personal affix this time
-Turning my EC comps into rosettes eventually
-Working on my EC in general
-Looking for Gallop skillers to run my Reigning competition for my EC

Both the Criollo and Friesian teams are recruiting, but I think my Marwari affix will remain a personal project. If anyone is looking to buy a horse please don't hesitate to reach out!

I strongly believe everyone should have a chance, so if you're looking to get started with a horse breed I have or need help with competitions, BLUP/Skilling methods, filling comps, etc just send me a message!

Actively seeking any old Friesian Fury coat horses, especially with the "Trust" coat. Just for nostalgia :)

Will buy any MA, Nyx Packs, Hera Packs, and P-Stones as well