Lóistín Cois Locha (Lakeside Lodging in Irish)
Dair = oak
Glas = the Celtic colour of the sea 
in Welsh glas is blue, in Scottish Gàidhlig glas is grey, and in Irish glas is the green of natural things (uaine is the word for non-natural green such as on the Irish flag or green paint) 
Learn more Irish here: https://daltai.com
And watch the television in Irish free worldwide for most shows (often with english subtitles) here: https://www.tg4.ie/ga/
And the best Irish dictionary is teanglann.ie which has grammar, translations, examples and often pronunciation samples.
Xanthos 1  2  3  4  5 
Topaz 1 2 3 4 5
Frost (Sioc in Irish)