
Defrost Frost


Xanthos Xanthos  Xanthos  Xanthos  Xanthos

Topaz  Topaz  Topaz  Topaz  Topaz

The Safe Haven

BLUP Schedules

Cross Country:

  1. Mountain Rides
  2. Train;
    1. Dressage
    2. Stamina
    3. Jumping
  3. Cross Competitions
  4. Show Jumping Competitions
  5. Beach Trot down to half.
  6. Switch to Western
  7. Western Pleasure comps to 20 wins.
  8. Forest Rides


  1. Forest rides.
  2. Train;
    1. Gallop
    2. Dressage
    3. Speed
  3. Gallop Comps
  4. Show Jumping Comps
  5. Beach Trot to half.
  6. Trot comps.
  7. Mountain rides.