
About Me

Hello! I'm an adult player from Canada who used to play as a kid. I had the same username, but due to inactivity I assumed that account got deleted unfortunately. Mostly here to have fun and get back into a game I used to love :) Been riding since I was 8 so I've always liked horses, and this game was super fun. Will accept any friend requests!


Looking to focus mainly on Arabian breeding and the team for now. I'm usually open to selling, so PM me about a specific horse and be reasonable. The max GP team horses will be sold with is 15500 Gp, no exceptions If you have any questions about the game feel free to ask. Thanks for visiting my page!        



Xanthos  Xanthos  Xanthos Xanthos  Xanthos  Topaz Topaz  Topaz  Topaz Topaz
Archimedes Frost