
My focus here is the Drum Horse! My goal is to collect all the coats and improve the breed. Crosses are acceptable as long as it's majority Drum.
Secondary breed (the one I started with and isn't rare and heckin expensive 0_0 ) is the Vanner! Can you tell I like drafty breeds? XD


Drums: none are for sale right now. 

Vanners: If you see something you like that isn't for sale message me and maybe we can work something out! Otherwise generally if i want it sold I'll put it for sale :-)

About Me

I'm definitely a bog monster human! I have a chestnut mare named Windy who is the love of my life and the pain of my ass! She is my avatar lookin pretty <3

I am an adult! (don't feel like one yet XD send help) so Idk be aware I guess???? 

I am a nonbinary pal (glares at the male/female only options) They/Them.