bz05 is hosting a 1,000,000e GIVEAWAY!

I played Howrse years ago, but all tips and tricks are appreciated as so many things have changed! Feel free to send me a friend request 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png I will try to give congratulations back as I can. Also, I would love to be on a team, it just seems like a ton of fun!

I used to breed unis and donkeys, which I'll do again along with draft horses and high Skill horses.

I just got married and work quite a bit, so I may not be on as much as I would like.

Thanks ya'll,

Daily Divines:
Congratulate Topaz for a chance to win 10 passes.
Defrost Frost for a chance to win a Hypno's Blanket or the horse on the 1st of the month.
Stroke Xanthos for a chance to win a Horn of Plenty.
Name a horse Junior Croesus and on the 13th of the month, it might be turned into a Croesus
Log in more than 20 days in one month and have a chance to win Cascade! 
-(borrowed from CanadaGirl)-