Some people say they are big readers. That they're so into books it's not even funny. However, the only way to tell is if they:
1) Suddenly gasp when something exciting happens in the book.
2) Start talking to the book because that's not how they want the book to go.
3) Hurl the book across the room when one of their favourite character dies.
4) Burst out laughing when something funny happens.
Copy and paste this if you are one of these people! :)
TH15 M355463 53RV35 T0 PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1N6 4ND 1MPR3551V3 TH1NG5, 1N TH3 B3G1NN1NG 1T WA5 H4RD, BUT N0W 0N TH15 L1N3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 1T 4UT0M4T1C4LLY W1TH 0UT 3V3N TH1NK1NG 4B0UT 1T. B3 PR0UD! 0NLY C3RT41N P3OPL3 C4N R34D TH15
R3PO5T 1F Y0U C4N!