Hi, focused on breeding Tennessee Walkers 

- Larkspur 7331.70 F 5974.26
- Violet 7620.31 F 5753.55
- Boi 7307.94 M 5979.42
- Rhubarb 7973.07 M 6017.82
- Peony 7393.26 F 6087.47

- Carnation

Walkers Willing to Sell 

- Speckle F 5756.97 GP will reach over 7000 skills
  Currently has: achilles' heel, vintage apple, kairos' dial, poseidon pack

- 1039.78 M 5409.87

- 1204.35 F 6015.71

- 1168.34 F 5900.70
- 1852.28 M 6017.82

- 1200.76 F 5979.89

- 1195.37 F 5976.83

Last updated: March 10, 2020

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