Hello, I hope your game is going well!
Just a small story about how you should reach for your dreams!
A while ago I was looking at how rich other people were. I was like "Wow! How do these people get so much money?!" So I decided to try to get some more money (without buying it). At the time I had around 30 000 and now, I have 226 549!
So again, there is no limit for money, just work towards goals!!!
I hope you have a great day! 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8.png

If you have any tips for getting money for new players, could you please pm me your tips? They are greatly appreciated!

Here are some tips I know:
Putting a horse kind of overpriced on auction. (some people will be willing to pay, but don't put it to overpriced.)

Thank you Myrddin for being the 100th person to congratulate me! I sent you an offer for a free Pluto's Parchment as a thank you! 

Every 100 congratulations I will try and give a prize if I am active around the time I reach that milestone, so please pm me if you the 100th, 200th, 300th (and so on) person. 