
I will be away for 3 months (going to Costa Rica). jan - april

Stroke 5 Xanthos a day! With luck they might give you a horn of plenty: 

Xanthos#1 Xanthos#2 Xanthos#3 Xanthose#4 Xanthose#5 

Defrost my Frost for a chance to find a Hypnos' Blanket! 

About me: I'm an environmental activist. I'm in University for ecological restoration sciences (working towards conservation biology, documentary stuff or herpetology). 

Horses are great but frogs are amazing!!
My goal in life is to help create a world that can live with nature rather than against it. 

Facts on Amphibians! :0

Amphibians have been around for 300 million years.
There are 3 classes of amphibians: Anura (most abundant, includes frogs and toads), Caudata (Salamanders and newts) and Gymnophiona (caecilians).  
Currently there are 7,707 amphibian species worldwide. 
One-third (32%) of the world's amphibians are threatened currently due to factors such as:
Deforestation, habitat loss, illegal pet trade, water and air pollution, Chytridiomycota and other harmful diseases (can spread through non-native pets or plants being released into the wild.), the frog leg food trade and more. Learn more at SaveTheFrogs.com 


Favourite coats: Dapple grey, Mousy grey and Black. 

**My goal on this game is to win top 10 in a grand prix**


Sharks :)
Sharks have been around for 450 million years, predating dinosaurs by 150 million years and emerging before the first trees grew on land. They have survived 5 mass extinctions and are a keystone species for the ocean environments.

There are around 440 species of sharks that we know of today. 
Around 90% of crucial shark populations have declined in just one generation, mainly due to the overfishing of sharks. 
75 million sharks are killed each year for the shark fin trade. 
Learn more at Sharkwater.com 
