!!! i'm looking for BMIs !!!
*looking for golden apples (up to 300k Eq), morpheous arms (300k), achilles heel (up to 150k Eq), kairos dial (up to 100k Eq) and water of youth (up to 100k Eq). willing to negotiate as well!
hello hello!welcome to my profile.
i do some things!
about my game
- i really have no idea what i do i just kind of do whatever. sometimes i focus more on my mares and sometimes more so on my showhorses, varies on what i feel like i guess :,)
- i have a few horses i'm working on i guess kinda, so that's pretty cool.
- i'm working on breeding my 19.5k + gp paints.. check Show Horses -> Paint Sales if you're interested in any. NO horses under "The Paints" tab will be sold & horses under "The Paint BABIES" are undecided!! I only sell horses that 2y+.
how i produce my horses - wip section
- bmi's: i use 3 main bmi's for every horse. kairos dial (60 passes), water of youth (100 passes), achille's heel (85 passes). in total expect to spend at least 245 passes per horse.