Always looking for the following BMI! Just reserve them for me for the respective amount of Equus and send a PM.

Pandoras Box - 120 000 Equus
Golden Fleece - 300 000 Equus
Titans Challenge - 300 000 Equus
Horn of Plenty -  150 000 Equus
Morpheus Arms - 300 000 Equus
Nyx Pack - 300 000 Equus

Hello everyone

My name is Sommerglöckchen but because i think it's a bit complicated you can just call me Sommer (or Summer). Or, if you want call me Spyro, because thats the Username of my german Howrse Account and im used to it (:

I've been playing Howrse for a long time now, so if you have questions, you can write me a PM and i will try to answer it. But you can write me too if you just want to chat a little, even though im from Switzerland, so i probably won't be online the same time as you are^^'

if you're looking for horses, --->here<---- are the horses i'm willing to sell (:
(Alternatively, you can browse through my horses that aren't in a aspecial breeding farm. I'm willing to sell most of them, so just ask)
If you need any other help or just have questions send me a PM and I'll see what i can do^^

Currently im learning English and Italian at school. I stopped with french, but i think if it was necessary i could speak a tiny bit of french too^^
german is my native language, so it's possible that there are some mistakes in my English. If you find a mistake, feel free to Correct me :'D

by the way i will accept all random friend requests, but if you're not online for a month i'll delete you from my friendlist. Also, i will probably congratulate back if i see it, but i won't promise anything.

By the way, i'm here on the canadian server because it's much more fun to breed here and the community is super nice %28y%29.png. I'm just using my German account to collect Coats and write friends, maybe a little breeding during holidays... anyway, that was just a little compliment for this server ^^