Dear Ubisoft / Howrse,

Please can we get another prix? Maybe something for the drafts can be in? Here are a few more prix you could do.


Harness racing

Equestrian vaulting




Pole bending



Pleasure driving

Scurry driving

Also let us pay a one time fee to transfer divines and passes to another server that we are more actively playing on. Any divine transfer should rank at the bottom on skills or if its numbered it should be at the very bottom when transferred to another server.

Help me get my idea out there. I would love to see my ideas on Howrse.

╬ Dutch Monarchs ╬ are looking for more members. We are casual players. Pass handouts when passes come in, free skillers/boosters when you want them. The only thing is we dont want you to take 2 or 3 days to blup 1 horse. Blupping in a timely manner and having some fillers is a must...

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I started photography in July of 2022 and been working hard to get my photography up and going. I plan on starting my own business when I get good enough. I have a small studio in the works. I am very proud of how far I have came since I have started. I am all self taught no schooling at all for it.

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