On semi-hiatus

For Sale:

French Trotter Filly
1985.08 GP, 0 BLUP
Coat: Dapple Grey (2% Very Rare)
Price: 100 passes

Hanoverian Colt
4459.79 GP, 0 BLUP
Coat: Black (7% Uncommon)
Price: 30 000 eq

Proud to be an independent breeder of 3700+GP, purebred Thoroughbreds and 3300+GP, purebred Holsteiners!

Thanks for visiting!

Thoroughbreds are my favourite breed of horse.  Their eagerness to please, athleticism, and competitive disposition make them incredible riding partners and companions.  They are the main breed I am going to focus on raising here on Howrse.  The other breeds I'm working with are going to be raised on a smaller scale.

I firmly believe that quality is always the top priority in breeding animals.  That is why all of the horses at Foxblossom Equestrian must be at 100 BLUP before breeding.  I only breed for myself, so I don't sell very often.  That being said, I do occasionally have retired breeding horses for sale, or babies that just aren't what I was hoping to get from a particular breeding.  I will also breed foals out for people who make a request as long as it fits into my plans and schedule.  Please get in touch if you're interested in acquiring a quality Foxblossom horse or foal.

I know not everyone can afford to buy 100 BLUP horses, as blupping is time consuming and can be difficult.  That is why I'm offering to help anyone with blupping their horses, Foxblossom bred or otherwise.  I strive not only to improve the quality of my own horses, but wish to make quality horses attainable to all players, regardless of their seniority and wealth.  Please don't hesitate to contact me for help.