I am a Canadian player who is mainly focused on breeding Gypsy Vanners

All the horses I am willing to sell are in my 'Strictly Profit' breeding farm. Horses in that breeding farm are generally mares I foal out to sell, so if there is anyone that interests you please let me know and I will do my best to arrange a sale :)

I am currently working on blupping and improving my horses. If you have any of the following pls DM me and I would love to negotiate a price!

- Chronos Timer
- Aphrodite's Tears
- Zeus' Lightning Bolt
- Kairos Dial

If you have any unwanted old horses feel free to message me and I will buy them off of you for a reasonable price! 

I love meeting new people, so don't be afraid to send a Friend Request or a DM! 

Thanks for visiting my page !! Have a great day you guys :D

Price of my Purebred Vanners based on GP ranges as shown:

<1000gp = 5passes or 5,000e
1000gp - 2500gp = 20 passes or 25,000e
2500gp - 3500gp = 45 passes or 60,000e
3500gp - 4500gp = 65passes or 75,000e
4500gp - 5000gp = 95 passes or 100,000e
5000gp - 5500gp = 110 passes or 125,000e
5500gp - 6000gp = 150passes or 175,000e