about me :
female / 22yrs old / Ontario
been playing since I was 13ish
only play when I become obsessed every few months
main reason for keeping this acc is bc I met my bsf on here:)
currently focusing on: Gypsy Vanners
if you’re interested in buying any of my horses just message me,
I may decline but I am trying to massively downsize!
if you want coverings from any studs feel free to ask:)
most will likely be 500e-1000e unless the horse is higher quality
looking for :
Shire - light grey / dark bay
Drum Horse - bay tovero / mouse grey
Percheron - dapple grey / mouse grey / black
Arabian Horse - bay / chestnut / cherry bay / roan / strawberry roan / flaxen liver chestnut / dun / mouse grey
Canadian Horse - flaxen liver chestnut
Tennessee Walker - black / dun / liver chestnut / roan / cremello