
Picture and avatar is of my sister's horse. Wild Rose Firedancer aka Chief. He is an F1 Drum Stallion a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582021615.png  

Hi everyone and welcome to my page!!!  2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582021615.png

2nd in Popularity on 2023 August 27th & 28 - Thank you Everyone! 405a07c944db94dcebf5dcaf189a81e1_v1582023381.pnga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582023381.png

About Me:

* Adult player
* 21 years
* Dutch-Canadian
* Lives on the west coast of Canada
* Speak 2 languages + learning 2 more
* Birthday is August 26th
* Has 2 older sisters
* Huge fan of kpop and anime (A.C.E, Kingdom, E'Last, Dreamcatcher, Sasaki and Miyano, Owari No Seraph, and Inuyasha)
* Been on Howrse since 2012 (wanted to make a new account deleting the other one later on)
* Big fan of games such as: Undertale, Genshin, Valorant, Skyrim


* Coats for all breeds trophy
* Reaching top 100 in General Ranking
* Rebuilding my Equestrian Centre
* Earning VIP Pass
* Getting my first ever divine horse Lips on this account - (Completed 22/10/2023) I am actually shaking right now, I saw Lips in the Golden Fleece, 3rd try and I won him already. T_T This horse held so much meaning to me and I knew when I would restart my account I would miss him, so the fact he has finally return to me once more just makes me ecstatic! 

Long-term Goals:

I haven't been on a lot as of late but as I was working on my horses, I realized one thing. I for some reason want to focus on unicorns, I know back when I first started which was around 2013 there was this account that would have a program where anyone under 30 seniority could get a unicorn since they can be so expensive, that's how I got my first unicorn Spring. That being said I'm not quite ready yet, I would like to BLUP and prepare everything first, these are following breeds that are going to be available:

* Canadian Horse
* Finnish Horse
* French Trotter
* Highland Pony
* Icelandic Horse
* Marwari Horse
* Mustang
* Newfoundland Pony
* Paint Horses
* Polish Konik
* Quarter Horses
* Tennessee Walker
* Thoroughbred
* Vanner

More details will be out later but I'm going to have a set of 4 Dams and 1 Stallion all with Philosopher's Stone per group. Since there is a max of 2 covers per day I will be doing a rotation per breeds, for example, one day will be the French Trotter and another day will be the Quarter Horses. There will be no interbreeding involved so it is equal for everyone's preferences. Please note, breeding these horses will be based on time and luck alone, I will NOT be using any Hestia's Gift as they are too valuable of an item.

Costs will vary depending on preferences but will still be accessible for new players, and I will have system and pricing down soon. Worry not for those who would like a Unicorn from me but already have one the prices will still be on the cheaper side but will be more based on actual sales for that specific breed. 

Preferences can include:
- Gender
- Coat colour - aka Hera's Pack
- Qilin foal
- Twins
- Foal Games (Every unicorn that is requested that I do the foal games for will come with an Achilles Heel at no extra cost) 
- Medusas Blood (Only included if you do the foal games with a little extra fee)
- Aging a horse so the foal will be here more quickly

Again this is based purely on luck alone but I vow that I will make sure you will receive a unicorn foal to your liking and preference.

Drafts and Donkeys won't be available due to their low coverage rate. DM me if you would like to help out or just show support, I would like to grow into the community as I have been away for way to long.

In Game Achievements:

* Won my first Divine horse Winter (Nov 14th, 2015)
* Won Blitzen (Dec 7th, 2017)
* Won Iduun (Jul 16th, 2021)
* Able to fully BLUP a horse (Jul 20th, 2021)
* Got Snow Leopard, Mały, Snow Queen, Gingerbread, Honey-spice Bread, Feliz Navidad and Virgo (Dec 25th, 2021)
* Reached 1 000 000 Equus
* Bred Hayate (Mar 18th, 2022)
* Won my first Rosette with a self-bred horse - 力陽 (Mar 19th, 2022)

Daily Tasks:

Xanthos is a Divine Horse who likes being petted. All players can pet the game's Xanthos on their public page. Xanthos gives free HoP(Horn of Plenty) to the luckiest players. For other players, Xanthos adds 10 energy points to their most recently born horse.

 - Xanthos 1
 - Xanthos 2
 - Xanthos 3
 - Xanthos 4
 - Xanthos 5


Topaz is a Divine Horse who likes to give out 10 passes to the luckiest players who give congratulations. The rest will receive 50 Equus in thanks.

 - Topaz 1
 - Topaz 2
 - Topaz 3
 - Topaz 4
 - Topaz 5


Everyday, you can defrost Frost from her public profile to try and find a Hypnos' Blanket.

On the 1st of each month, at the time the site is updated, a Frost will be offered to one of the players who defrosted during the pervious month.

 - Frost


A little prize by stroking a Howrse in the Safe Haven (Apple, Equus, ...)

 - The Safe Haven

Requirments to have a horse fully BLUP:

- Complete Forest and Mountain rides till no more skills show up
- Complete top 3 skills in training
- Win at least 20 competitions
- Horse has to be at 10 or older once you finish the previous tasks
(If you have any questions feel free to send me a message)

Divine Horses

Something really random but here is a list of all the Divine Horse you have a chance winning when the site updates!

Croesus: Every month, one horse among those names Junior Croesus is turned into Croesus! (Fun Fact on February 13th, 2023 one of my Junior Croesus turn into Croesus!)

Frost: On the first day of the month, when the website is updated, Frost is given to one of the players who defrosted her during the previous month.

Cascade: On the first day of the month, when the website is updated, one Cascade is given to the players who logged in at least 20 days during the previous month.

Aries: On April 19th, when the daily update takes place, a Aries horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

Taurus: On May 21st, when the daily update takes place, a Taurus horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

Gemini: On June 21st, when the daily update takes place, both versions of Gemini is offered to a player native of this sign.

Cancer: On July 22nd, when the daily update takes place, a Cancer horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

Leo: On August 22nd, when the daily update takes place, a Leo horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

Virgo: On September 22nd, when the daily update takes place, a Virgo is offered to a player native of this sign.

Libra: On October 22nd, when the daily update takes place, a Libra is offered to a player native of this sign.

Scorpio: On November 22nd, when the daily update takes place, a Scorpio is offered to a player native of this sign.

Sagittarius: On December 21st, when the daily update takes place, a Sagittarius horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

Capricorn: On January 19th, when the daily update takes place, a Capricorn horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

Aquarius: On February 19th, when the daily update takes place, a Aquarius horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

Pisces: On March 20th, when the daily update takes place, a Pisces horse is offered to a player native to this sign.

All Valentine Horses: During the month of February, a player can give a Valentine Horse to one of their friends as long as they are the breeder.

Yggdrasil: He'll join your breeding farm once you've sent a horse aged 25 or more to heaven.

If you're reading this then congratulations you made it to the end! Don't be shy and come friend me! I accept them all a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png
Thank you for taking your time and happy howrsing 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png