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and I try to congratulate anyone who congratulates me.

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Home of 4M Equestrian

Raising primarily Paints, Gypsy's and Appaloosa's,

and pretty well any

Breed of Unicorn I can get my hands on.



I have just recently picked the game back up after a prolonged break....life happens.

Currently trying to get back into the swing of things, get my cash flow rolling again.  Try to figure out a few new things, I really didn't get that far before my break and there are lots of aspects I am stumbling my way though now %28lol%29.png


I am a mother of two wonderful little girls


I am Canadian


I love Horses


and Dragons


and just about anything mythical


If any horse i have is for sale.....it will be up for sale.

Not currently selling any Golden Apple Coats