Welcome to my page !
(tips are at the bottom)
Here are 10 things about myself
1. My favorite colour is blue
2. My zodiac sign is Capricorn
3. I have a York Shire terrier named Skittles
4. I love photography
5. Huge animal lover
6. A young artist
7. I really dislike math
8. My favourite horse breeds are the Gypsy Vanner and Friesian
9. I don't own any horses in real life :(
10. I do acro-gymnastics
I also love Spirit and Rain (my favourite movie)

Playing with foals;
8 months: drink - groom - play 30 min - feed - play 5 hours - stroke - carrot - play 1 hour
10 months: drink - groom - play 30 min - feed - play 5 hours and 30 min - stroke - carrot - play 1 hour
1 year: drink - groom - play 30 min - feed - play 6 hours and 30 min - stroke - carrot - play 1 hour
1 year and 2 months: drink - groom - play 30 min - feed - play 7 hours - stroke - carrot - play 1 hour and 30 min
1 year and 4 months: drink - groom - play 30 min - feed - play 8 hours - stroke - carrot - play 1 hour
Pass horse rules;
The rules are set within a 30 day period. The rules are as follows:
*if you have won 1-9 passes in 30 days you get a pass.
*if you have won 10-29 passes in 30 days you have a 1 in 3 chance of a pass with a 2 in 3 chance of winning an item.
*if you have won 30 passes in 30 days you can not win anything else
Here is how to win more competitions
(from boobrrypiegrl, go check out her page)
Cross-country - 45 % Stamina ,30 % Dressage ,20 % Jumping
Show Jumping - 45 % Jumping , 25 % Speed ,25 % Dressage
Galloping Races - 45 % Galloping, 30 % Speed, 20 % Dressage
Trotting race - 45 % Trotting, 30 % Speed, 20 % Dressage
Dressage - 45% Dressage, 30% Trotting, 20% Galloping
Barrel Race - 45 % Speed, 30 % Stamina, 20 % Galloping
Cutting - 45 % Stamina, 30 % Dressage , 20 % Speed
Trail Class - 45 % Dressage, 30 % Jump, 20 % Trot
Reining - 45 % Gallop, 30 % Dressage, 20 % Stamina
Western Pleasure - 45 % Trot, 30 % Stamina, 20 % Dressage
Then there's a bit of luck and age taken into considerations as to how wins are based.(That last little 5%)
The biggest 'secret' to comp wins, knowing what the skills are for each comp and then NOT training the primary skill but training the 2 secondary skills. This is also a hint as to how you will want to train your horse depending on it's breed.