

If you need help with anything, first suggestion check the help page. Howrse Help Center Or go to Forums, click on one of the them, and there's a link to the help page near the top. I used html code to put up my pictures and links (Thank you school!), so if you want or need help with that, just send me a message.

I will try to return congratulations, but I may not always be able to.

If you want a covering from one of my stallions, just let me know. You'll have to pm which stallion you want a covering from and tell me which mare you want covered. The majority of stallion cover cost will be 500e.If you want a foal from one of my mares, I can accomodate that too. It will, however, cost more than a covering. I'd say, probably, about 1000e.

My two male Purebred Spanish Unicorns and one male Mustang Unicorn won't give any coverings until they have at least 0 BLUP.%3B%29.png

Equestrian Centre the most useful things to grow and sell back to the store

Vintage Apple

If you have a Vintage Apple on  a horse and you want to sell it, put a Golden Apple on the same horse. This will remove the Vintage Apple from the horse, then you can sell it.

I also have an account on Dragon Cave. () These are my hatchlings and eggs, you can click on them if you want.

Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Adopt one today!


Adopt one today!

Hatchlings: (They're so cute. %2A-%29.png)

Other eggs and hatchlings:%28B%29.png


Reach an equus reserve of 100,000

Reach an equuse reserve of 200,000

Reach an equus reserve of 500,000

Reach an equuse reserve of 1,000,000

Own a Divine Horse

Own a Wild Horse

Finish an Event

Looking for Horses...

Appaloosa - female

French Trotter - female

Nokota - male

Connemara - female

Newfoundland Pony - female

Shetland - male

Welsh - female

Unicorn Mustang - female

Unicorn Nokota - female

I used to play howrse, started with a cremello throughbred mare. Then I didn't play for a while, and when I came back had to start a new account with a strawberry roan akhal-teke or arabian stallion. I think it was an akhal-teke. Then I forgot about howrse again. I hope this is the final account I create. I really don't want to start over a 4th or 5th time. o.o;

I enjoy reading, and I'm pretty sure I started playing this game because I was reading horse books, paticularly the Throughbred series.

Favourite Video Game Series: Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem

Reccommeded Animal Book Series for Elementary School Readers: Animal Ark, Throughbred, Warriors, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Wolves of the Beyond

Reccommended Book Series for High School Readers: Wings of Fire, Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini, Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan

Reccommended Book Series for College/University Readers: Xanth by Piers Anthony, The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey

%28l%29.pngRecommended Canadian Cartoons: Storm Hawks, Slugterra, The Deep (Canadian/Australian), Magi-Nation (Canadian/Korean)




I want to read a good adult mystery book that is NOT a murder mystery book. Do those even exist?

My favourite mystery book series is Nancy Drew, as not every mystery is about murder.