Hi, I'm Leah, I'm not very active anymore but I come on every day to check on the promos.

If you're in one of my teams, don't hesitate to ask me for a BMI!

I collect golden apple coats of every kind! Il pay in Equus and passes if I'm really interested in the coat. Il also do trades. PM me if you're interested in getting one off your hands <3

bz05 is having a giveaway with a metal 5th element as a prize!

Dynamism* is having a giveaway with a divine as a prize!

John is having a huge Giveaway!

stryder is having a giveaway!

One of my main goals is collecting the most golden apple coats I can

I have: 42 Golden Apple Coats

I have: 15 Retired Golden Apple Coats

I'm looking for these coats:



-Flaxen Liver Chestnut

Pm me if you have one you'd be willing to sell