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(please copy and paste to your browser, as Howrse does not allow direct outside links, even for charities...)

e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png?137722501Yahooo!  I won a Sable Island pony in a Trip to the Beach Horn of Plenty!e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png?137722501

e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png?137722501Yahooo!  I won a Mercury in the Lottery!e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png?137722501

Thank you to my friends who have given water for the giant plants! 
Thank you to my friends who have helped me release the horses! 
Thank you to the players that congratulated me for the Enchanted Greenhouse!
Thank you to my friends for the lottery tickets!
Thank you to everyone who congratulated me and helped me get the wandering horse, Athena!

0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab.png?137722501All congratulations seen are returned 0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab.png?137722501
