Wow, it has been some time since I stumbled upon here. Super inactive haha. Too busy to play now a days!

- I congrats back if I see you. 
- If I didn't keep disappearing I would have so much seniority ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png 
- Not really selling stuff yet. Trying to come up with a collection to sell. 

Is anyone with a Sun willing to give a covering to my Earth? PM me if yes!

Really into Trophies. I included a list of horses I am always on the search for. Let me know if you are willing to sell, I will honestly pay anything. (Especially the companions)

- Blue Dragon 
- Orca
- Nazamu

Looking for: 
- Metal Winged Unicorn 5th elements
- Wandering Spirit Horses

Yep and I think that is it. Oh how times have changed huh? 

Best General Ranking (that I remember): 430