!!! There's a lot of flashy things on my page !!!
By horserider888, horsenut888.
Imagine being a horse... Not that bad, in fact, a dream come true for me! Now imagine being a slaughter horse... A nightmare worse than any other. Think about it, you've thrown your all into life, done your best, and for what? To be shoved into a trailer and taken away! Then made to watch others being murdered, knowing it will be your turn soon, to know that no one loves you or cares for you, to know that there's no chance anyone ever will now, that it's all over now, after everything you did, trying to please, thinking you're just not good enough, and envying those ponies loved by little girls and boys, who would never meet this end. Then the sheer terror of the moment when you're shoved out in front of the others to be slaughtered... Then the searing pain that never seems to stop, and the terrible knowledge that this is where it ends, in this sad, terrifying place. Then . . . You decide what happens next because I don't know, I have my beliefs and you have yours. Put this on your page if you are against horse slaughter!!
For everyone reading this I am very serious. Thousands of horses are killed each year, because people say that there are just to many horses. The simple solution is to stop over breeding! The time before the killing is even more painful than the killing itself. First they're in a double layer truck that they use for pigs, where some become very injured or die. then are put in VERY small pens were they kick and bite each other, then into bigger pens, by then some of the horses can't even stand! Finally they`re whipped into the small killing rooms where they are skinned alive or killed in horrible ways. The ones that can not walk are dragged! So from now on when ever I go to a place that sells horse meat I'll get mad and just walk out, then tell everyone I know not to go there. By the way, this one article writer did that and all those places shut down! TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT!
And I almost forgot, another thing is if horses didn't exist we'd be nowhere. Horses are the reason for where we are today, they have a choice to let us ride them, and they do, they fought our wars, I could go on forever. And what do some of us do in return, neglect them, starve them and send them to the slaughter house! I think that we owe them some respect! So next time you see horse meat please don't just stand there, do something, remember the horse that you once owned and loved could end up suffering in the kill factory and you may not ever know. So PLEASE act now before the horse you once loved is sent to suffer his last horrific moments alone. By horsenut888 and horserider888 (please keep)
I know that there are millions of people that, like me, have a goal to stop horse slaughter. TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT! All we need is a voice. So please just friend me (horserider88) and it will symbolize that you are against horse slaughter and abuse. Every name counts.
By horserider888, horsenut888.
Friend Horserider88 and join a team of horsesavers. Long live horses!!!!
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You get a 500e foal if you PM me!!!