a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.pngCheck out Direct Sales for Jumping Over ℱℐℛℰ Skiller sales!!  Fresh skillers are posted on Sundays.  If you want a specific spot in the Grand Prix, message MoonlightMagic or myself to place an order.  

(l)_v1828806360.pngI love meeting people and will congratulate back!  Don't hesitate to fire me off a friend request too!

(l)_v1828806360.pngDaily click links!

Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos Xanthos
Topaz Topaz Topaz Topaz Topaz

(l)_v1828806360.pngI play on the Int'l server and I have been there since 2007!!  My username there is DiamondWillow - pop over and say hi!