
My Game: 

Focus On: Arabians
As you could probably tell I like Arabians. My family owns and owned many Arabians. I am trying to improve my Arabian horse quality at the moment. If you are wanting to sell any Arabians I will totally take any with a GP over 1500.


Under Construction

Blup + Fillers:

I understand and am having the same trouble with blupping lower skilled horses as many of you. To help out with that I am making some of my horses "filler" horses, that I use and put in competitions to help other horses win. If you would like to take part: Any horses you need help bluping put BLUP in that horse's name, I suggest contacting people who have filler horses so they can fill that competition for you. In courtesy to people helping you, you are expected to help others as well by making some of your horses fillers, and helping others out. Let me know if you are interested or need any fills, Completly willing to help you out.

Will take requests for Unicorns if you want me to breed you one. 

Thanks for visiting!

Have a fantastic day!