Former user: jineted (2012-2023)

Welcome to my page:

My name is David (pronounced the Spanish way, not the English way). I am a half-Canadian half-Spanish adult player and a former moderator of this server. If you have any question about the game, feel free to contact me via private message and I will try my best.

I am passionate about Greek mythology, classical history, reading a good book and martial arts, myself being a black belt. 
I speak: flag-spain2x.pngflag-united-kingdom2x.pngflag-france2x.png Also learning: flag-germany2x.pngflag-greece2x.png

In case you are having a bad day, here you have some pictures of my dog, Ayax, the love of my life.

"When I have kids, the rule is going to be, ‘you can be whatever you want to be; a doctor, an artist, a stay-at-home-person, a stripper, a monk. You can be gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, straight and everything in between. You can be a UU, Christian, Hindu, Ba’hai, Atheist, Questioning, whatever. You can be any gender you want, just tell me, and I will support you. But the minute I hear about you bullying someone, we’re going to have a serious problem.’
Bullying, no matter what you think or feel, is never okay and hurts more then most people think. Take care of what you say to people, they are being brave enough to be themselves, no one should be mocked for being who they are. Not you, not me, not anyone."

The unwritten Guide to Forum Etiquette (by ArtemisDown, Int. Server)

There are no technical etiquette guides for the forums here on Howrse, aside from the rules of course. I've watched the forum nearly every day I've been on this game, and I think it would be a much more pleasant place if people would keep a few things in mind before posting. So here you go, the unwritten guide to forum etiquette!

1. If something has already been posted..
PLEASE don't post just to repeat. This includes both answering a question and saying "this is not allowed, does not belong here, etc." There's no need for a dozen people to say what someone has already said.

2. If someone is trolling, or clearly breaking the rules:
There is no need to argue with them, insist they lock the topic, or squabble about how immature they are. The only person those conversations make look immature, is you. Trolls want attention, and you're giving them exactly what they want!

3. There is no need to be rude.
Sometimes a situation calls for a bit of bluntness, but posting in a topic just to be outright nasty does not make you look good and infact makes you look childish. Kindergarten rules: If you don't have something nice (in this case, helpful) to say, don't say anything at all.

4. Your seniority does not entitle you to act superior.
Just because you have more days than someone asking/answering your question, it doesn't excuse rude behavior because you think you know better. If the person is wrong, you can tell them that without being nasty and putting them down because you've logged into a virtual game more times than they have.

5. Reviewing your topic is always a good idea before posting!
Too often someone posts a vague topic or doesn't include enough details to let others know what it is exactly that you're asking. This leads to wrong/misled answers, squabbling, and general unpleasantness. Try to be as specific as possible so we can help you quickly and efficiently.

6. Relevant titles, grammar, and spelling.
Self-explanatory. Please use a title describing the nature of your question, don't just post "HELP ME" or add a dozen !!!!!! where they are not needed. If you don't know how to spell a word, a quick google search or even spellcheck will tell you. It's okay to not be the best with spelling/grammar, but if you give it your best try it always helps.

7. Remember that every person on this website is a real person, just like you are.
They have feelings too, and the majority of people visit the forums because they need help. Putting people down, being condescending (over-using the wink face, being rude because the person doesn't know the answer, etc) or otherwise being nasty just because it's the internet, doesn't belong here. Imagine that the asker is your little sister/brother/cousin/whatever. Do you answer their questions nastily, or do you honestly give your best effort to help them? It's that simple.