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Why do I call it "Pink Sand's ____ horses"? It's because I visited Bermuda, a tropical Island in the Caribbean that is famous for its pink sand. The people, culture, and landscape of Bermuda is so wonderful and I hope that you might have the chance to visit it some day.
- Due to school priorities, my time spent playing this game will stop until further notice. This means all PM's will not be responded to for an unforeseeable amount of time nor any other game activities.
- Typically, all horses are for sale. Private Message (PM) me about which horse as well as an offer. If a horse is not for sale, I will just simply respond to your message telling you the horse is not for sale.
- All unicorn coverings are 2000e each. PM me if you are interested in reserving a covering.
- I buy horses that people intend to send to Safe Haven (SH). I will rehouse your unwanted horses and repurpose them. If you are interested in selling your SH horse to me, please PM me. My budget for SH horses is fluctuates between 500e-2000e.
- I am always looking for Philosopher Stones. PM me if you are interested in making a trade.