Welcome to Meadow Brook Stud

Please bear with me if I take time to reply to any messages due to fluctuations in my ability to use and understand words.

- I'm very happy to help other players by answering game related questions.
- I use autocomp when blupping, if I've entered against you then just message me for help filling. Polite messages will be helped; rude or accusatory ones will be ignored.
- I accept random friend requests for help with promos. However, please do not get confused by the term "friend" and forget that I am an adult that you do not know.
- Any unsolicited advertising or begging sent to me will be reported.

Pass Objective Help

I offer help with the receive colour bonus pass objective. You will need at least 1 piece of 2* colour tack in your inventory. I will sell you a horse equipped with the 1 or 2 pieces of coloured tack you are missing. Please let me know which colour and parts you need. Cost: 1 piece 12000e, 2 piece 23000e. You will need to have the reserved sales unlocked.


Horses I have for sale are here. If it's not there, it's not for sale. Horse prices are not negotiable unless it says so on the listing. I have the VIP perk of switching horses specialty at any age so please PM If you'd like it changed before buying. 

All pregnant unicorns listed in the sales have the VIP perk of 1 in 4 chance of producing a unicorn foal instead of the standard 1 in 5 chance.

Below is some useful info and links.


- Grand Prix results links
- Trophy divines and BMI
- Companion sales links
- Companion skill bonus list
- Preprod test server Titan's Challenge opening results
- General ranking calculation

Guide to ECs and competition floorplans on my EC page: Meadow Brook Stables

Grand Prix Results

Classical: Cross Country, Trot Race, Showjumping, Dressage, Gallop Race
Western: Cutting, Western Pleasure, Reining, Trail, Barrel Racing

Trophy Divines and BMIs

Known divines that are gained for free via completing trophies in order:
Tarpan, Tiny, Tianma, Etrian, Skinfaxi, Dark Chocolate, Piccolo, Rongo, Ran, Kaktos

A divine is the 10th reward. BMIs in between always in different order; Athena's Medal, Chronos' Timer, Aphrodite's Tears, Fertility Wand, Bonus Pack, Horn of Plenty, Achilles Heel, Vintage Apple and Philosopher's Stone

Companion Sale Links

ANIMALS: Akita Inu, Bear, Bee, Butterfly, Camel, Cat, Dog, Ermine, Fox, Frog, Giraffe, Goat, Grizzly, Hedgehog, Hen, Kangaroo, Ladybug, Llama, Macaw, Monkey, Orca, Ostrich, Owl, Panda, Penguin, Rabbit, Sheep, Snow Monkey, Squirrel, Swallow, Turtle, Weta, Wild Boar, Zebra

DIVINE: Phoenix, Griffin, Kyūbiko, Namazu, Ow, Shika, Skoll & Hati, Fairy, Stuffed Unicorn

GHOSTS: Chained Ghost, Grimacing Ghost, Screaming Ghost

DRAGONS: Axolotl Dragon, Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, Purple Dragon, Red Dragon

ALEBRIJES: Ajolota, Ajolote, Alebrijow, Armadilla, Armadillo, Cardenal, Cardenala, Delfin, Geca, Geco, Iguana, Iguano, Jaguar, Mantarraya, Mantarrayo, Mapacha, Mapache, Muerciélaga, Muerciélago, Puercoespína, Puercoespín

DARUMAS: Banken, Ezoshika, Itachi, Kaeru, Kaeru no Senshi, Kamaitachi, Kingyo, Kitsune, Koi, Kojika, Komainu, Kyuubi no kitsune, Neko, Nekomata, Okuri Inu, Ryū, Shiba Inu, Sown Goku, Tengu, Tora, Tsuchinoko, Tsuru, Ōkami

MONSTERS: @Mowster, Beast, Creature, Creatuur, Criatura, Critter, Créature, Fiend, Hirviö, Kreatur, Monster, Monstre, Monstro, Monstru, Monstruo, Mostro, Netvor, Potwór, Pošast, Skapning, Szörnyeteg, Varelse, Uhyre, monštrum, Чудище, Чудовище, מִפלֶצֶת وحش                                       
CAT SITHS: Caracal, Cat, Jaguar, Lion, Lynx, Pallas’s Cat, Panther, Tiger

SEA PINATAS: Clownfish, Cowfish, Crab, Giant Squid, Jellyfish, Krill, Lionfish, Seahorse, Sea Turtle, Surgeonfish

Companion Bonuses

+1 Hen
+2 Squirrel, Goat, Armadillo, Armadilla
+3 Weta, Giraffe, Butterfly, Rabbit
+5 Swallow
+6 Monkey, Delfín, Orca, Camel
+8 Kangaroo, Sheep
+9 Cat, Bear, Ladybug
+10 Zebra, Penguin, Turtle, Llama
+12 Frog, Phoenix
+13 Owl
+14 Griffin
+15 Dog, Bee
+16 Green, Red, Blue & Purple Dragon
+18 Ghosts

+2 Kaeru, Cardenala, Cardenal
+3 Ōkami, Clownfish
+4 Mantarraya, Mantarrayo, Kaeru no Senshi
+6 Okuri Inu
+10 Namazu
+12 Snow monkey
+15 Fairy

+2 Kojika, Geco, Geca
+3 Tsuru, Seahorse
+4 Iguano, Iguana, Ezoshika
+5 Jellyfish
+6 Tengu
+7 Surgeonfish
+10 Sown Goku
+13 Monster Eggs

+2 Puercoespína, Puercoespín, Kitsune, Krill
+3 Koi
+4 Kyuubi no kitsune, Mapache, Mapacha, Crab
+6 Kingyo
+8 Shika, Panda
+9 Kyūbiko
+10 Hedgehog
+14 Giant squid

+2 Muerciélaga, Muerciélago, Shiba Inu
+3 Itachi, Ostrich
+4 Banken
+5 Macaw
+6 Jaguar, Kamaitachi
+8 Tsuchinoko, Lionfish
+10 Skoll & Hati
+12 Wild Boar
+13 Cat-Siths

+2 Neko, Ajolota, Ajolote
+3 Grizzly, Tora
+4 Nekomata
+6 Alebrijow, Komainu, Cowfish
+8 Ryū
+10 Axolotl dragon, Sea turtle, Ermine
+11 Akita Inu
+15 Ow

Preprod Titan's Challenge Opening:

Below are the number and % of times the TC ended at each level. In brackets is the cumulative chance of reaching each level.
Last updated: 02/06/22. Current total numbers of TCs opened: 1400

Level 2 - 498 - 35.57% (100%)               Prizes found at Level 8:
Level 3 - 380 - 27.14% (64.43%)             Balios, Misaki, Sapphire
Level 4 - 269 - 19.21% (37.29%)             Package of 20 high level BMI
Level 5 - 178 - 12.71% (18.07%)
Level 6 - 44  - 3.14%   (5.36%)               Aphrodite's Privilege: 9 (0.64%)
Level 7 - 24  - 1.71%   (2.21%)
Level 8 - 7   - 0.5%   (0.50%)

How is the General Ranking score calculated? 

Courtesy of Dozymare, a UK server mod

- The total skills of all yours horses + 1
- The age of all your horses added together +1 raised to the power of 0.025
- The total number of trophies you own +1 raised to the power of 0.05
- Your seniority +1 raised to the power 0.01

Add that lot together and times the answer by 2. Then divide by the number of horses you own +1 raised to the power of 0.2.

So you can see the best way to increase your ranking is to increase the average skills of your horses. Having older horses and gaining trophies has a very small benefit as well.

Note: if you have more than 10,000 horses the 10,000 horses with the highest skills are used in the calculation. If any of these horses are aged over 30 years then the calculation classes them as being 30 years old (so no benefit of having a 50 year old horse over a 30 year old horse)